
Those two USB ports will help me connect both my USB fan and my USB grill!!

Reminds me of the packaging for the pet rock from all those years ago...

@Lord_Data ∞: I haven't tried yet, but it probably does.

@FellGrey: It is a turban. He has some hair sticking out though.

@MHTSOS: knock yourself out.

Its impossible for Link to look mature until he gets rid of that little dress

I'm going to build this. Except it will use NXT, and the controller will be an android phone. By the way, have you guys noticed the large amounts of LEGO related posts recently? I think thats awesome.

This would be more of a hassle than a win, really. Something that big wouldn't fit in the First LEGO league mission map, and thats the only reason I use my NXT nowadays, anyways.

My baby sister loves my Galaxy S. She has unprecedented access to my room, and since all the power access points are near the ground, I am forced to leave the phone near the ground while charging. This is like heaven to her. She doesn't really know to use it yet, but she likes to bright colors of my home screen

@The Anti-Fanboy: Thanks. That really does explain things. Nice name btw.

I really impressed all my team mates for First Lego league, with MINDroid.

@PwnzasaurusRex: I would promote you, but I'm only starred on gizmodo.

My galaxy s plays everything right out of the box, so I'm fine.

I guess the N8 didn't make it, because its not really a smartphone. Its just a camera, which happens to be a phone. Either way, I'm a proud owner of a Galaxy S.