
Yeah, facebook has been a terrible distraction to me too.

Oddly I'm in the process of doing that right now.

I live in India and since Vimeo is blocked as of recently(along with several other sites), all I get is a message that says, "Access to this site has been blocked as per Court Orders"

Everything in my house has radio in it.

They are whipped furiously in fields to submission while the whipper is shouted at by a child? What a strange way to manufacture an iPad.

In India, that is the average connection. To be honest, $145 is outrageous though.

The amusement park in my city(in India) has the same thing. Its called.."The Maverick".

Actually, when you're solving it blindfolded, theres a completely different set of algorithms. Besides, following the basic instructions, its impossible to solve faster than around a minute, even while looking.

Ahhahaha! I see what you did there.

I live in India, and knowing the Indian government and press, everyone is going to say that this was an attack launched by the Chinese government against India.

You made me choke on my lunch. Good go, sir.

"I remember back in the day, when gas cost us a penny a pound and women never left their houses. They would remain in their kitchens, and they would make us a smiting of jelly marmalade on toast. Of course, the only purpose of their gender is for us to perform intercourse with them. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall go

Why? Do you fear they will slowly learn from the plastics they destroy, becoming super intelligent beings and eventually destroying the earth?

I'm guessing in a quiet environment, that should be enough to wake the average person up. its still not as loud as some other alarms I've seen(heard).

Oh and it would come with a free unicorn that would change discs for you, fly over to the store to pick up groceries, and go disguised at you to work.

You can justify paying ~$2000 for a "gaming rig" and "current gen hardware" with good graphics, but you can't justify paying ~$250 for a dedicated console that would probably have very similar graphics?

But human beings are animals!

Years from now, even if I'm homeless, I can use my Kindle's free internet access to do internet things. And to top it off, with this, I WILL NEVER HAVE TO GO INDOORS AGAIN!

This is perfectly doable. We've already seen quantum locking in work, and this is probably just controlled by some kind of air based propulsion mechanism to push itself forward. Even if this is fake, it is possible.

I personally feel that anything beyond 24" is too big for daily use. I don't see people sitting in front of a 27" screen, their eyes strained as hell. It may be great for sitting across the room and watching a movie, but this is too big.