
I do feel like Babylon 5 is maybe a little too pleased with itself for contrasting with Trek's utopianism, similar to how Firefly was a decade later (oddly, BSG, the darkest of all the space shows, doesn't really stop to call attention to how it's subverting Trek's optimism). But at least on Firefly they were backed

Isn't the idea of a generation ship just "let's go colonize another planet despite the fact that we don't have FTL?" It doesn't have to be a desperation move, does it?


Different accents, OK, but the fact that one member of each race—and the ambassador, no less!—has an accent, and everyone else (except Refa) has a perfect, bland, midwestern speech pattern, just makes it seem like they half-assed it. This is especially confusing since B5 doesn't seem to have Universal Translators or

I don't like B5 as much as some of you guys, but I think InActionMan just summed it up very nicely.

Instead, he was saddled with cheesy Quarks. HEYO

They really Britta'd the show.

Man, if there's one thing that drives me crazy about this show (and there isn't—there are a lot of things) it's the completely scattershot approach to accents. They had the clever idea to give all the aliens accents in the pilot, and then completely gave up on it when it came time to cast the various attaches, with

Wait…how is it like Inception? I see some similar themes and ideas, but the premises are completely different.

The irony here is that apparently she was a big part of getting the show made, so it wasn't about miscasting…it literally wouldn't have happened without her. It'd have been nice if she'd been ego-less enough to recast the main role, but that wasn't very likely, needless to say.

I'd argue Brunt is a fairly complex character, but it seems to be more by accident, where the writers kept trying to use him and slot him in wherever it was convenient, resulting in a lot of seemingly contradictory character beats. One moment he's a faceless bureaucrat, the next he's out to destroy Quark. As Zack

We can talk about this more next week (and SPOILERS for season 5, too) but it always disappointed me that they didn't make very good use of what happens to Odo in that episode. What was particularly frustrating is that there was that one episode where Odo gets his mack on, which would have made way more sense BEFORE

That makes sense to a degree, but still, there must be SOME kind of basic inviolable framework for Ferengi commerce, or it wouldn't be an ultra-capitalist society, it'd just be pure anarchy.

The fact that the Dominion would probably be back to prolong their suffering is definitely something that lingers over the episode, but honestly, I like to believe that from this point on they were too busy with the Federation to go and check up on every little planet to make sure they were suffering enough. You have

The great thing about Kupperman is that you could filll the comments with complete non sequiturs and everyone would just assume you were making clever references to the source material.

I have to admit, I thought switching Sheridan for Sinclair was one of the show's stronger decisions, foisted on them by outside circumstances or not. As I've said before, my biggest problem with B5 was JMS's frequent refusal to swerve from his planned course unless forced to (and sometimes not even then), and


"Kirk fucked it up for everyone after him"

Sugar-free SYRUP? Wouldn't that just be an empty bottle?

The Ballad of the Green Berets was a fluke (though it was hardly the first or last time that some ephemeral piece of crap charted far above more enduring works) because the people who cared about music made it a fluke. They didn't enable it with breathless reportage asking "MILITARY BALLADS: THE NEXT BIG THING?!?" The