
Card is on the board of a hate group, the National Organization for Marriage. I agree that firing people for their views is a sticky issue, but this goes beyond simply expressing hatefulness; by doing this, DC is essentially getting into bed with this group. Money made from this comic is going to go into their coffers

Actually no, DC has indeed made some interesting moves—the digital Superman comics would honestly be a good idea if they hadn't hired, again, a crazed bigot—but that's a really, really deep hole they're in, and this doesn't come anywhere near digging them out yet.

Hiring a crazed bigot to write Superman…placing a confederate flag on the cover of one of their comics…

Who cares about the ending of Hellblazer when DC's relaunching VIBE?!?

I would honestly, unironically adore this comic if it was a no-holds-barred satire of this kind of desperate pandering, of which there's certainly no shortage in comics. That seems like the obvious direction to take this character.

In March of 1966, "The Ballad of the Green Berets", a patriotic war anthem by Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler which was pretty obviously meant as a pushback against the growing tide of anti-war sentiment amongst the counterculture, went to #1 on the Billboard charts. It beat out the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Beach

Carnivale was sort of torn between two extremes. As Knauf acknowledges, the first season was glacial, but it was also an incredibly rich show with tons of atmosphere and mystery. The potential was what kept me moving through it. Then you get to S2, where shit starts to really happen, and in many ways it's an

It is funny that Rosa was so insanely meticulous at building a Disney Duck "continuity" the way that, say, Roy Thomas was about knitting together Marvel comics. But Rosa's comics are actually fun and entertaining and never *quite* disappear up their own ass (though they definitely come close from time to time), so

In the early going, he got lots of "HAI YOU WRITE IN ALL CAPS THAT'S SO GAY LOL" comments, which I think turned him off the more measured criticism of his style that came later, but it really is something that damages some otherwise fine writing. I believe the reason he adopted the style in the first place was to

That makes me almost as happy as knowing that Galaxy Quest is one of David Mamet's favorite movies.

I thought a big part of the joke is that Stiller and Wilson aren't particularly handsome. Not in a male-model way, anyway.

The "snapshots of Dukat" (or whatever other secondary character) aspect of DS9 is one of the more exhilarating aspects of the show at this point. They were teetering on the brink of doing real serialization, but it was still a little too soon in TV history to jump into that with both feet, so they instead started

To be annoyingly pedantic about the Churchill quote, just because I love it so much, it's "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones."

To be annoyingly pedantic about the Churchill quote, just because I love it so much, it's "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones."

I'd argue that Odo's collaboration with the Cardassians is the lens through which they explore his conflicted nature (and, thinking about it, it makes it kind of strange that he and Kira are such good pals, since we know how she feels about collaborators).

I'd argue that Odo's collaboration with the Cardassians is the lens through which they explore his conflicted nature (and, thinking about it, it makes it kind of strange that he and Kira are such good pals, since we know how she feels about collaborators).

I'd argue that, as a good guy, Odo has a better grasp of the supposed Changeling obsession with justice than the Dominion.

I'd argue that, as a good guy, Odo has a better grasp of the supposed Changeling obsession with justice than the Dominion.

I'd caught a couple of late-season episodes of DS9 when it aired, so I knew Combs eventually showed up spearheading the Dominion. When he popped up in the credits I waited expectantly for him to appear as Weyoun (not that I knew the character's name at that point) and was confused…and then he kept appearing in the

I'd caught a couple of late-season episodes of DS9 when it aired, so I knew Combs eventually showed up spearheading the Dominion. When he popped up in the credits I waited expectantly for him to appear as Weyoun (not that I knew the character's name at that point) and was confused…and then he kept appearing in the