So now the question is: will The AV Club be covering Harsh Realm?
So now the question is: will The AV Club be covering Harsh Realm?
So now the question is: will The AV Club be covering Harsh Realm?
Don't forget "Hunger". And I thought "Roadrunners" and "Signs and Wonders" were pretty good. I think S7 is kinda underrated.
Don't forget "Hunger". And I thought "Roadrunners" and "Signs and Wonders" were pretty good. I think S7 is kinda underrated.
Not what I'm saying. I'm saying that DC and Marvel emit a CONSTANT stream of hype and "reboots" and "new directions" and "game-changing issues", and The New 52 and Marvel NOW! are part of that. (Before Watchmen is just tacky and stupid and awful.) To anyone who's been reading comics for more than a couple of years,…
Not what I'm saying. I'm saying that DC and Marvel emit a CONSTANT stream of hype and "reboots" and "new directions" and "game-changing issues", and The New 52 and Marvel NOW! are part of that. (Before Watchmen is just tacky and stupid and awful.) To anyone who's been reading comics for more than a couple of years,…
To be fair, I agree with the main thrust of this article, and Sava does admit that Image's output is better than Marvel/DC's. But it's like starting a review of "Watchmen" by saying "Between 'Millennium', 'Sonic Disruptors' and 'Secret Wars 2', the 80s were an exhilarating time for mainstream comics…"
To be fair, I agree with the main thrust of this article, and Sava does admit that Image's output is better than Marvel/DC's. But it's like starting a review of "Watchmen" by saying "Between 'Millennium', 'Sonic Disruptors' and 'Secret Wars 2', the 80s were an exhilarating time for mainstream comics…"
"Between the New 52, Before Watchmen, and Marvel Now!, 2012 has been an exhilarating year for mainstream comics…"
"Between the New 52, Before Watchmen, and Marvel Now!, 2012 has been an exhilarating year for mainstream comics…"
It's not a reboot, that's part of the point of the comic. We're jumping around and checking on different characters (most of them clones of John Prophet) in a series of intertwining plotlines.
It's not a reboot, that's part of the point of the comic. We're jumping around and checking on different characters (most of them clones of John Prophet) in a series of intertwining plotlines.
Um, that's not what I'm saying. AbramsTrek isn't un-Trek-like because there's action, it's un-Trek-like because there aren't any larger ideas or moral dilemmas or dramatic consequences of ethical decisions. It's just the Trek characters shoehorned into the kind of action/SF template we've seen a jillion times before.
Um, that's not what I'm saying. AbramsTrek isn't un-Trek-like because there's action, it's un-Trek-like because there aren't any larger ideas or moral dilemmas or dramatic consequences of ethical decisions. It's just the Trek characters shoehorned into the kind of action/SF template we've seen a jillion times before.
Yeah, say what you like about TNG, but they were really good at not overplaying their hand with the Borg. Four storylines over six episodes, and one movie, all of them quite good (well, I remember liking "Descent" in theory at least, I can't remember if it held up in practice). They pretty much did everything they…
Yeah, say what you like about TNG, but they were really good at not overplaying their hand with the Borg. Four storylines over six episodes, and one movie, all of them quite good (well, I remember liking "Descent" in theory at least, I can't remember if it held up in practice). They pretty much did everything they…
I get where you're coming from, and (SPOILER!) now in the midst of S6 I'm starting to feel like, with the introduction of Section 31, DS9 is trying so hard to subvert Trek that it's in danger of losing sight of the fundamental optimism and humanism that makes the franchise great.
I get where you're coming from, and (SPOILER!) now in the midst of S6 I'm starting to feel like, with the introduction of Section 31, DS9 is trying so hard to subvert Trek that it's in danger of losing sight of the fundamental optimism and humanism that makes the franchise great.
While I get that they want to let their actors emote, I do wish they'd changed it up a bit instead of constantly relying on various degrees of "bumpy foreheads" to create aliens. They could have pulled out puppets or Tusken-raider-style full-body costumes and masks more often for the backgound aliens, or the aliens…
While I get that they want to let their actors emote, I do wish they'd changed it up a bit instead of constantly relying on various degrees of "bumpy foreheads" to create aliens. They could have pulled out puppets or Tusken-raider-style full-body costumes and masks more often for the backgound aliens, or the aliens…