
The thing is, I think the DS9 producers were able to get away with this stuff because Berman and his ilk were concentrating on the newly-launched "Voyager", having more or less abandoned DS9 to sagging ratings. Which is why the serialization aspects start to really kick in at this point. There are points in the

The thing is, I think the DS9 producers were able to get away with this stuff because Berman and his ilk were concentrating on the newly-launched "Voyager", having more or less abandoned DS9 to sagging ratings. Which is why the serialization aspects start to really kick in at this point. There are points in the

That seems like really, really shaky evidence for painting Ivanova as being "debased" by the end of the series.

That seems like really, really shaky evidence for painting Ivanova as being "debased" by the end of the series.

The one disappointment in the Liefeld renaissance has been Supreme, which was already brilliantly reinvented by Alan Moore in the mid-90s. While it was great to finally get the final Moore-scripted issue, Erik Larsen's take on the character has been, predictably, lacking in the fun and imagination Moore brought to the

The one disappointment in the Liefeld renaissance has been Supreme, which was already brilliantly reinvented by Alan Moore in the mid-90s. While it was great to finally get the final Moore-scripted issue, Erik Larsen's take on the character has been, predictably, lacking in the fun and imagination Moore brought to the

I think even that gives them too much credit, frankly, because it suggests they actually know what they're doing.

I think even that gives them too much credit, frankly, because it suggests they actually know what they're doing.

Yeah, Mystic made the revival worthwhile, and I really really hope we can see more of it in some form, as farfetched as that may be. The other books all suffered from trying to oversimplify their concepts, Sigil in particular being awfully bland and cliche. If they'd led with Mystic or even Ruse they might have had

Yeah, Mystic made the revival worthwhile, and I really really hope we can see more of it in some form, as farfetched as that may be. The other books all suffered from trying to oversimplify their concepts, Sigil in particular being awfully bland and cliche. If they'd led with Mystic or even Ruse they might have had

The whole point of the show is that it's about striking a balance between authority and anarchy. There's a reason the show's two major villains are an oppressive, overbearing government organization and a pack of inhuman, cannibalistic savages. The sweet spot is somewhere in between, and Mal's not a savage any more

The whole point of the show is that it's about striking a balance between authority and anarchy. There's a reason the show's two major villains are an oppressive, overbearing government organization and a pack of inhuman, cannibalistic savages. The sweet spot is somewhere in between, and Mal's not a savage any more

The Prisoner references actually got a little irritating to me in the first season, because JMS wasn't just tossing out little nods for the fans, he seemed to actually want to integrate Babylon 5 into the world of The Prisoner, as if the two stories happened in the same reality. Which, sorry, no. Comparing your show

The Prisoner references actually got a little irritating to me in the first season, because JMS wasn't just tossing out little nods for the fans, he seemed to actually want to integrate Babylon 5 into the world of The Prisoner, as if the two stories happened in the same reality. Which, sorry, no. Comparing your show

I felt like Kosh never really had a proper purpose on the show except to be cool and mysterious. He's supposedly there to help them get ready to fight the Shadows, right? They're basically supposed to be Lords of Order in opposition the the Shadows as Lords of Chaos, right? And yet Kosh never seems to do anything

I felt like Kosh never really had a proper purpose on the show except to be cool and mysterious. He's supposedly there to help them get ready to fight the Shadows, right? They're basically supposed to be Lords of Order in opposition the the Shadows as Lords of Chaos, right? And yet Kosh never seems to do anything

Among the many other problems with this show's "space racism is bad" themes is that the show itself tended to take a condescending attitude towards alien cultures. While obviously JMS portrays them sympathetically as opposed to the cartoonish Nazis he creates as straw man villains, he still falls into the monoculture

Among the many other problems with this show's "space racism is bad" themes is that the show itself tended to take a condescending attitude towards alien cultures. While obviously JMS portrays them sympathetically as opposed to the cartoonish Nazis he creates as straw man villains, he still falls into the monoculture

Yeah, but Gibson doesn't have an Australian accent, or if he ever did it hasn't been for decades (isn't he an American who was just raised in Australia?)

Yeah, but Gibson doesn't have an Australian accent, or if he ever did it hasn't been for decades (isn't he an American who was just raised in Australia?)