
I’m still in the grays, have never been allowed a proper transition from disqus although I followed the step-by-step and all. anyhow, if anyone sees this: do you all know where reviews went on the internet? I’ve just scoured tvline, uproxx, vulture, vox and this very site and there is a meager offering. I miss reading

I think that, since we saw Cherry’s advice from Cole’s perspective, perhaps she actually said something more generic about Gabriel’s sabbatical and Cole just got what he wanted to hear from it.

yup, I remember it exactly like that as well. much of her feeling of guilt had stemmed from her being a nurse who didn’t catch on to gabriel's risk of secondary drowning.

my approach is this: I do as cinecraft, except I only pay for movie tickets/online rentals when the director hasn’t yet been accused of anything (at this point, we all know most of them will have done at least one stupid and/or creepy thing re: women, as sexism is embedded in the fabric of society). when I want to

I don’t believe it is very likely that a hitman would be a good guy who just wants to quit and get on with a normal life. And I loved this show. To me, it’s more like a thought experiment: what if a hitman could, in fact, be a guy who’s kind at heart but ultimately can’t fight his own desires once he’s out in the

bill hader is so good in this. and they took their time with the character (meaning the writing, acting and directing did), which paid off in heaps. I’ve had a crush on him for the longest time just for being such an odd fella on screen (his abandon when doing stefon may be what really got to me), and “barry” just

thanks for posting this!

I’ve been hoping since the beginning that the final twist will be that there’s no actual good place (or bad place) and therefore no clear-cut good and evil (I would argue that there are relative rights and wrongs, there is respect and there is ethics, but no inherent or natural good/evil dichotomy). In the meantime,

I’m really hoping there’s a twist in the end whereby there is no such thing as “virtue”, not really, and no possible straight-up evolution for humans. so no actual good place, somehow, or bad place, for that matter.

This show is amazing, Pamela is a wonder and I agree with mostly everything Danette said here.

I’m pretty much with you, as well. If the show wasn’t so damn funny and well-acted, I would’ve been really discouraged from watching it for their seeming incapacity to get that studying ethics won’t make you a better person. I do have some measure of faith in the show, though, and I’m hoping for a few more twists,

I actually think it looks like the final twist, or perhaps one of the final twists, will be that they’re actually on purgatory, since they were just regular people (kinda shitty but with lots of psychological damage to justify their actions). That doesn’t explain the interactions between Michael and the other demons,

also: I’m really miffed that my disqus account did not migrate properly after I did everything right and after it actually seemed to have worked. so now I’m in the grays and even had to pick a new screen name. ouch.

I had an inkling that Gordon might die during this episode and I don’t even know why I did. But come to think of it, it was probably because I’ve come to know these characters and the motions of the show so well that it just came to me. FWIW, the moment I thought “shiiiyt” was when Gordon was looking in the mirror