I thought they just went to penalty kicks.
I thought they just went to penalty kicks.
Here in Chicago, we call that a low turnout election.
I bet it was that asshole Chad. Totally left them hanging.
I’m fairly sure that I’ve accidentally grasped Nova once or twice as Leoric while she was stealthed... wow, that sounds pervy.
Advance note: Not a lawyer here, so I fully accept that my take might not be perfect from that perspective.-
Interesting. In New York, dolus eventualis means that, no matter what, James Dolan eventually fucks up everything.
Finally! An offensive move by Roy Hibbert!
It’s not really fair to call them Trailblazers. Other NBA teams have been doing this for years.
This will be Kobe Bryant’s final season. He announced it yesterday, and the news made me think, instantly, of…
I travel a fair amount, and I do a large amount of drinking. My rule of thumb is: always pay cash for the first drink, ask the bartenders name, say “thanks <bartenders name>”, tip very well for that drink. You can open your tab for the 2nd-10th drinks, but always cash and tip for the first.
Every reporter should know by now that invoking “feelings” or “emotions” around the Belichick AI brings it one step closer to sterilizing the Earth of biological imperfections.
Thats great. Hope your mom took her time with it.
Wait wait wait, were we supposed to empathize with you? Because I’m really not seeing where you’re supposed to be the hero of this story.
If you’re an adult and you are harassing another adult, you kind of lose the “classy” battle by default.
The first step is acknowledging that you’re a heckler. We’re here for you, we’ll help you get better. Someday you will be a classy guy.
Or heckling a professional athlete.
Keeping up the fine Reggie Jackson tradition of crushing balls in the fall.
Westbrook is my favorite asshole in sports.
People say that “everyone should work retail or service at least once in their lives.” I couldn’t agree more. Like…