What about your arms? Do you wash your arms? I can’t imagine that one’s arms get any more “dirty” than their legs. Please don’t interpret this as a snarky comeback. I’m genuinely curious.
What about your arms? Do you wash your arms? I can’t imagine that one’s arms get any more “dirty” than their legs. Please don’t interpret this as a snarky comeback. I’m genuinely curious.
You’re such a sweetie.
Well ... yes. I take a shower in the morning and if I go to the gym or for a run later I’m taking a shower afterwards. Is that too much?
This sounds like laziness. If you’re going to be in the shower why wouldn’t you also wash your legs? It takes like 20 seconds.
Miller’s comments are an example of the thought process of someone who lives in a hermetically-sealed social cocoon.
It seems weird to see a baseball player in stirrups. I miss them.
President Obama is expected to weigh in soon.
As I commented during the WYTS featuring my Bears--this is a season where no one in Chicago is expecting anything. Truth be told, John Fox and everyone else involved is doing the best they can with the situation. This team over the last few years was getting older less skilled. It was time for a massive rebuild and…
There ... you left a few words off at the end.
Yes, those convictions were on the more recent offenses. The new information about Paterno knowing about the earliest allegations is new. Its a story that keeps getting worse, but people seem to be insistent on ignoring the details.
Absolutely amazing. Has anyone interviewed these Paterno supporters and asked a basic question?
Dicks out for Harambe?
Another vote here for the first brawl from launch: Random Hero assignment. When you die, you get another random hero. Once I stumbled upon that mode that was all I played until it changed to something else.
Sure! Why not?
I was going to say, “I wonder what goes through people’s minds when they do this sort of thing.” But then I realized that reasoned consideration probably never occurs inside their heads in the first place.
I listened to this same interview on NPR this morning. The guy was trying to sound reasonable, but he kept drifting into canned statements that made it sound like two different people were talking. It was really bizarre.
I suggest that each NFL venue have a TV time-out entertainment set called “Idiot On the Field Challenge” where they invite a random person like they do in the NBA for the half-court shot challenge.
It’s like hitting a ball into the parking lot, running all the bases, reaching the right hand batter’s box and then abruptly turning for the dugout.
How stupid can you get? How is one of the most important rules in any political contest not: “Do not disparage your opponent’s supporters.”
A roach. A leak. A lawsuit. And a banana peel. All this. And more. On the next. This. American Life.