Schrödinger's Pragmator

The last frame of that GIF sure looks like Sepp is beginning to crack a smile. “Oh, hey! I’ll probably be able to keep this cash, right?”

I used to routinely rage quit sex. Sometimes you get matched with a player who just has no fucking idea what they’re doing!

Is Cleveland expected to compete for a playoff spot this year? I’ve never understood drafting a guy high and then not playing them when your team has no hope of getting to the post-season. He might be a pain in the ass, but he’s also a waste of a draft pick if you don’t find out what you have and at least try and

What a timely Kinja Deal. On my way to work today I saw at least 3 driving shenanigans that made my blood boil. Each time I start thinking, “I should get a dashcam just to preserve this stupidity for posterity.” Now I’m riiiiiight there on the fence!

What a timely Kinja Deal. On my way to work today I saw at least 3 driving shenanigans that made my blood boil. Each

I thought he died earlier already before.

Dave has a lovely cheek.

Wow. His setup pass to his team mate was pretty sweet in the first place ... just the perfect amount of touch. Then the patience, the control to make that chip crosser back to him ... it’s like they were out there alone just goofing around.

This is a team that has two (TWO!) Super Bowl victories in the last 10 years. It makes me look at my own team (Chicago) and wonder how much dumber the organization is if the Giants can bumble their way to two championships.


I’m pretty sure your post is out of bounds.

Exactly. I think this is why people are not buying their shit.

This is why no one is buying their shit. :)

I absolutely agree with you. I’m just elucidating on where his (and others like his) thinking comes from.

I think that is the argument he’s making. He’s saying that participating in athletics is additional education, not separate. You can take Pottery 101 in addition to all your other courses. It doesn’t make you a pottery major. He’s saying that playing football, or basketball, or volleyball is essentially another facet

This is going to be unpopular, but I can see some validity to his position that their athletics program is a part of the overall educational diorama. Universities ostensibly provide educational enlightenment for students to become professionals one day. One could reasonably argue that the same is true for

It is a pretty backhand comment, if I do say so myself.

A dream that I wish I had more often involves a family member who died in a car crash. In it, he’s suddenly in my life like it’s nothing out of the ordinary. “Aren’t ... didn’t you die?” I always ask. But he assures me that it was all a misunderstanding. And then it hits me that I’m dreaming. At that point I just go

Dear, Leslie. I love you too. :)

When this child is old enough to understand this circumstance how does she explain herself to said child? “Mom, why did you do that? Were you ashamed or embarrassed of me because I’m bi-racial?”

Oh, how did I forget about this one in my first post?