
What a dick.

The irony of your post is gobsmacking.

They weren’t even filming from the wrong location. Not according to the rule book.

Belichick was following the rules in the rule book. The NFL doesn’t make its rules by memo.

They reported as fact a damning story that was debunked a decade ago. (They managed a one-time, after-midnight apology for this one.)

They reported as fact what the NFL spoon-fed them without attribution or a single caveat, for months, and it turned out to be untrue. They *still* haven’t officially corrected that

While I think ESPN’s tweet was probably just misconstrued, there is no doubt of their lack of journalistic integrity, which always seems to manifest itself in stories about the Patriots.

If you don’t question ESPN’s reporting, you’re just not paying attention.

The tweet wasn’t nearly as egrigious, by the way, as ESPN

There’s nothing “shady” about thinking outside of the box or about looking at how the game is traditionally played and choosing a different perspective. That’s all that’s really happened.

It’s funny to me that when the Patriots run eligible/ineligible plays that have been run by both college and NFL teams, suddenly

The Colts can’t exactly take the moral high ground with their pill-popping ownership and “Suck for Luck” season.

Your column is full of obvious errors of fact that demonstrate that you’re not as informed on the topic that you’ve chosen to discuss. Bad conclussions come from bad/missing information.

That is all.