Everyone at Apple?
Everyone at Apple?
I cannot fathom how anyone at Netflix thought low-balling Wanda Sykes as a great idea. Sykes can annoy me a great deal but she is ten times more talented than Amy Schumer! Plus Sykes puts some thought and intelligence into her standup, whereas Schumer is more of the ‘contemporary Dane Cook.’
She thinks she is worth more than $500,000. She is probably right.
if people want to go for more money - have at it. But when you don’t get it, don’t lazily claim it’s because of both race and gender bias... while using examples that debunk your exact claim. She’s trying to publicly shame Netflix into giving her money for unsupported reasons, not because she’s worth it or has earned…
I’ll give you the “good for her for going for what she thinks is hers.”
thanks captain buzzkill.
I really dislike people like you. There use to be a few of your kind trying to correct the professors when I was still going to college.
So you disagree with the guy who performed the move himself as to what he was actually doing?
Here's the thing: The information is already out there, regardless of whether or not Lifehacker spreads it or not. Pandora's box has been opened. You can't make people "un-know" this information, and the people that were doing this before will do it again. Putting the information here is an informative process, and…