
Chances are it’s a super rare occurrence and people are blowing it way out of proportion because a.) it’s ridiculous and b.) it’s the Internet.

I think that looking the other way for your buddy in blue ought to carry a stiffer sentence than whatever it was their buddy was doing.

Officer Pastran sounds in the article like he’s one of the ‘good ones’. Except he not once talked up, spoke up, or prevented Erickson from doing this. Which means he’s just better bad cop than your normal bad cop. 



Maybe it’s just me, but it seems shitty that someone who was the chairman of News Corp, which used its Fox News arm to tell us, among other lies, that global warming wasn’t happening and that we should drill for more oil as fast as we can, probably should not be the head of a company that’s challenging our addiction

So... it was meant to be a Corolla with an unusable rear seat?

But then what was it meant to be? I can’t figure out which niche within a niche it’s trying to fill.

So it wasnt meant to compete with the power houses of this segment?

Nissan is doing the best Mitsubishi impersonation I’ve seen yet! Which is based on Mitsubishi’s impersonation of Isuzu.

At this point, who really cares?

This kind of annoys me:

A country with a populace stupid enough to elect Trump and a government incompetent enough to let the Russians into the firmware of their voting machines and corrupt enough to allow it to continue.