
Yep and that's why I haven't bought an EA game for quite a while now and refuse to do so until some major changes occur.

And how it was even legal in the first place for a 9 year old to place a bet with a bookie...

+eleventy billion



It sounds like the camera guy at the end says "idiot" (kinda like "eee-dee-yote").

"...which itself is a daunting 93 billion light-years across."

The male version of this hit squad would be Frankie Four-Fingers' crew in Snatch.

"It is the last remaining particle of our Standard Model of physics"...

In the video, he says "portals in space or in time" (should be "portals in space AND time"). I would think somebody affiliated with NASA would get that correct. :-)

Is this related to the previous article about attempting to get a device for Stephen Hawking to use with just his mind?

...Vipers = Daffy Duck. Daffy Duck = Vipers...

I used to pay attention to NPC game dialogue, but then I took an arrow to the knee...

Some people mistakenly think that the reason Mars isn't habitable is because it's too far away, but that's actually not the case. The reason Mars is inhabitable is because of its size.

My wife and I wash everything in cold water, but sometimes one of my favorite hoodies ends up in the dryer and 100% of the time, they've shrank.. :-/ I'm going to start hanging all of my clothes.

So who should I blame for my Epic 4G Touch not getting ICS yet: Samsung, Google, or Sprint?

@kingsinger1 and @twistedsymphony - yes I've been using Alpha 2 for quite a while now as well, but it doesn't work quite as well as I'd hoped.

+1. I'd promote this or something, but this new comment system sucks...

As has been stated by multiple (almost all) users before, this new commenting system is pretty bad. It's not very intuitive for your everyday user to pick up on.

I've been waiting for quite a while (eagerly) for an RC build of Cyanogenmod 9 for the Touchpad. I hope this means that it's right around the corner...