
This argument isn't as simple as it's made out to be in this article.


"Final Fantasy VII HD". Amen.

<sarcasm>Man I can't wait for this! I hope it's as good an adaptation as the Final Fantasy movie was!</sarcasm>

brbrbrbrrbbr.....WHA?! When did they start doing that? Guess it's been a while since I've bought anything from there...

Perhaps it's more common for gas giants to have them because of one (or both) of two things:

Yep. You have to buy MS points in bulk and the denominations almost never match up with how much a game (or DLC's) cost, so you end up adding more than you need. Even that doesn't piss me off as much as half of EA's policies.

I'm actually not against DLC's. I think that DLC's *can* (key word) add value to an existing game. Out of the handful of DLC's I've bought for games, I've only been disappointed in one and that was Shift 2 Unleashed (the DLC breaks the ability to earn achievements in the entire game, even non-DLC achievements). And

Well and I don't mean to come off hating on non-hardcore gamers, but it's clear what he's thinking based on this statement and it's his motives that bother me:

Exactly. From some of the comments he makes in this article, their top priority is already the mindless herds, not the hardcore gamers which makes this trend even more disturbing.

OMG that game was awesome!

Aww, I actually do enjoy "realistic" driving games... :'(

No, Mr. Moore, I won't be patient and wait for you to figure out your business model. You're a game company (one of the most successful ones, too) and you're in the business of making games. You should have already had your business model planned years in advance. That's what you get paid exorbitant amounts of

Yes John is a total douche-nozzle and could use a good punch in the dick.