I think he secretly wanted to get arrested, otherwise he wouldn’t have been sitting like that.
I think he secretly wanted to get arrested, otherwise he wouldn’t have been sitting like that.
Sorry dude, maybe if you didn’t want to get caught you should have kept your legs shut.
19 is plenty old enough to understand the concept of “don’t sexually assault someone.”
That’s something you don’t see brought up a lot in articles (even generally sympathetic and well-meaning ones) about being poor or in poverty: the ubiquitous nature of tech in our current society.
I agree with you. I have a friend who is hoping to do as the writer and wear her baby to work and I just don’t think it’s going to work out. It would kill my concentration if I was her labmate. Infants sleep a lot but when they are not sleeping they take attention. And things that can sound like happy baby noises to…
Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for…
Ah yes, Jezebel, the feminist site, is yet again ragging on women’s looks. Y’all are a bunch of awful hypocrites.
I’m going to print this out and post it on my cube wall and everyone at work will hate me more than they do already. Mission accomplished! Total isolation!
It's always these fuckin guys. The people always trying to keep others down are always the people doing the exact kinda stuff they try to block.
I beg pardon! I forgot perpetual virginity is called “involuntary celibacy”.
Technically, old-fashioned means having sex with multiple people if we went back to the beginning of human existence.
You’re making some pretty sweeping (and honestly gross) blanket statements by using the word “normal.”
I think a lot of people think open relationships are just a free pass to do whatever and don’t realize that for them to work, there has to be a lot of communication and rules that need to be followed.