Your Morgan was made with wood too. Truly the ultimate Jalop.
Your Morgan was made with wood too. Truly the ultimate Jalop.
“Dr. Disrespect Streams Inside an E3 Bathroom”
Let’s start again.
I mean, Pelosi isn’t wrong. Anything/anyone with a (D) after the name would have won that district. Hell even Man Chin would probably have beaten an (R) on the ballot.
Communist safety feature... makes sure you’re never truly comfortable.
“So ICE is what you said you want.”
Fully open borders is a bad idea.
Obviously I read that in my head in Morgan’s voice, which is weird when the statement is both serious and cogent.
It would also help if they were not merely honest about what they wanted, but knew what words meant. Because the thing is, there is an intellectually-consistent way of arguing for what the Republican masses want.
Exactly. Limited by physics, not by some fancy technology.
Only Luke warm though...
The wisdom of the ages has been revealed to you 4 years out of college and old people are all stupid. Especially a black guy who got elected president twice.
Sure, but you also can’t run an AOC in every district in the country. Some parts of America are just full of center or center-left voters, whether we like it or not. I’d rather have someone center-left win a competitive district than lose a seat entirely. I wouldn’t necessarily say centrists undermine the party so…
Yeah, Splinter saying we need to unite behind the democratic nominee while running daily articles about how all the democratic hopefuls are garbage and don’t deserve your vote is hilarious.
My worry is that we are continually escalating the war between the parties. Reid blows up part of the filibuster, then McConnell blows up another part, then Schumer blows up the rest and helps get the SCOTUS expanded to 15 seats to be filled one every other year, then some other GOP majority leader bumps it to 21…
I picture him walking into his office in a suit and tie at 7:30 am, sitting behind his desk, placing both hands in front of him on his desk, and then staring blankly at space, not blinking or saying a word for 7 hours, then just standing up and leaving the office quietly.
It’s a horrible idea and FDR got shot down trying to do it in the 1930s.
I feel like I’m watching a completely unironic rehash of SLC Punk! in reading this article. The lack of self-awareness is absolutely stunning.
Game of Thrones is a lot like the Mass Effect trilogy of video games. As you’re experiencing it, it seems bold and ambitious and epic, and in many ways it is. As the final chapters roll around, however, you kind of start to see that the creators bit off more than they could chew and that the story is never going to…