We will never know if Bernie would have won. Unlike Hillary, he at least was liked and respected. IMO, it’s past time the Democratic Party started truly representing working class people again and stop cozying up to entrenched big money interests.
We will never know if Bernie would have won. Unlike Hillary, he at least was liked and respected. IMO, it’s past time the Democratic Party started truly representing working class people again and stop cozying up to entrenched big money interests.
Take heart, Queen. In state after state, supporters of the Vermont senator’s presidential bid are challenging the Democratic establishment elites for party control - and winning! The reckoning is here for Dem state party leaders.
Yes. That is exactly what that post was.
We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.
We discussed in my office how unfathomable it is that with all of the scandals and shit the Clintons have dealt with their whole life that she seemed to know absolutely NOTHING about damage control. She actively made the whole thing worse.
Prioritizing Hillary Clinton’s feelings over the people who will die as a result of this election is how we got into this mess in the first place.
If Comey wanted to throw the outcome of an election, all he had to do was recommend charges against Clinton at his July press conference. Even if the DoJ would have declined his recommendation (verly likely), the damage would have been done. He didn’t, so blaming Comey for the outcome of an election, where 53% of all…
You’re right...the timing was bad. Comey should have brought charges in July when the Democrats could have changed courses.
Voter turn out was very, very low for the Democrats. A lot of people were saying that they would hold their nose and vote Clinton, but after the latest “scandal” with the emails, I could see them saying “fuck it” and staying home. My father sure did.
I love Hillary, I voted for her without reservations, I cried when she lost.
My two bosses and several regular customers who are all small business owners all told me they were “holding their nose” and voting for Trump because they hate The affordable health care act so much. I can sympathize because I would do the same in reverse. Health care for my disabled daughter is my highest priority…
Sorry, but I don’t see what this has to do with “free stuff.” I just think many Hillary supporters will be reluctant to analyze this election in a way that highlights Hillary Clinton and her campaigns shortcoming because they like and respect her. This is a very human and understandable respose, but I think it…
This article is an example of why it’s going to be a long fucking 8 years. It’s one thing to say that the bulk of Trump voters are wealthier than most, however it doesn’t discount that a number of working class whites who felt alienated the Democratic Party switched their voted for Trump in numbers large enough to…
Poor people didn’t do this. The DNC did.
How do you explain Hillary losing more African American and Hispanic women than white men compared to Obama in 2012 according to the CNN exit poll? Were the women of color that did not show up for Hillary also racist/sexist? Will Hillary and the Democratic party ever look inward at their cheerleading for neoliberal…
This will probably get stuck in the greys, but the one item in the NYT that struck me most was where they broke down the vote by “Family Financial Situation” and it seems to pretty strongly support what Bernie and others are saying about economic hardship and anxiety being a real driver here. For those whose family…
Compare these numbers with the ones for 2012.
Hillary was a terrible choice, and they were warned over and over again. Now there isn’t enough decency in the Clintoncrats to face the fact that they were wrong.
There is only one person to blame to Donald Trump’s victory and that is Hillary Clinton.