
Ridiculous argument, dude. Getting into a pissing contest about who was the worst bad guy in WWII is stupid. I don't feel any guilt for what my grandparents did, because they did what they had to do. Everyone did. If you can't put it in historical context, you need to read more history. 70,000,000 people died in

A) It's a lot easier than hauling 10 2-liter bottles home every week and then getting rid of 10 2-liter bottles.

An iPhone or iPad isn't "cheap" compared to a console, except that in the future everyone will have one anyway. Gaming is just the cherry on top. And personally, I've always kept closer to the bleeding edge on multi-purpose devices than on my gaming console. I've never bought a console within maybe 2 years of

Please. Has anyone involved in this case ever tried to use a non-Google search engine circa 2007? I highly doubt Apple was going to go with Yahoo!

Cool car, but it seems to have trouble putting the power down.

I'd get one, but honestly, I can't imagine they're all that durable. A book I open and close 15 times a day, hand to my 4 year old son and use as a cookbook and shop manual is going to look pretty nasty waaaaaay before I'm done with it.

If you're writing a lot, yes. If not, no.

The first time I saw a video of one of these insane machines, I couldn't believe it was real. Even after watching dozens of these videos, it's hard to wrap my brain around how quickly it changes directions.

Thinking about stuff I wish I'd gotten earlier in my life:

Knowing organ transplant surgeons and nurses personally, I, too, am going to require examples.

I suspect quite a few jalops weren't even alive when this car was made.

$103K is never a "nice price" for someone like me.

People are thinking in terms of what Google is *today*, which is a nice, slightly creepy giant with a good track record.

What they CURRENTLY do with your browsing habits is almost moot. You think this information has an expiration date? What happens when those companies go broke and get sold to larger data aggregators, cross linked to other databases, then repackaged and sold to the highest bidder?

Doctors shouldn't be basing their diagnosis of you on a BMI, but BMI is still a useful metric, whether it applies to the individual or not. If BMI of a population goes up, they tend to get sick. And it's still useful for studies like this, as there's no consistent, fast, inexpensive way to get fat/muscle mass in a


Shrink-to-fit 501's are pretty damn awesome. After a couple days wearing them around the house and squatting enough to make them stretch a bit they're awesome. Never wash 'em and you're good.

I'd love every minute of a 36 hour drive in my Miata, but that doesn't make it a good long-haul car. :)

Everyone wants the iPad to have just one or two more features. Problem is, if they added them, pretty soon the iPad would be as clunky as your average Dell Inspiron circa 2003. :)

16 years of cars, owned 18 cars. I think the longest was a 4 year lease on an EP Civic SI.