
This is why Miata is the answer. It's the automotive tabula rasa. Simple, tough, reliable commuter you can run on the tightest of budgets? No problem. Entertaining corner carver with limits low enough to exploit in public? Just go get an alignment. Easy access to the most intense wheel-to-wheel racing an amateur

I love the sounds of the Otto Cycle as much as the next guy, but I, for one, am looking forward to seeing more electric vehicles that cater to people who worship at the altar of the torque gods.

Not to mention you're probably not going to see a 170hp 1300cc motor last 200,000 miles in a 2500lb car.

Jobs, like other amazing corporate leaders (Ford, Edison, Rockefeller, Gates, etc), has personality flaws that make him who he is. As living memory of his assholeishness fades, I have no doubt that he'll rightly be remembered as the greatest innovator of our time. He, himself, isn't a great inventor, but as a hub

I think this really gets at the problem I have with these stories. I'm not a person who believes there are many 'evil' people in this world. They're out there, but even having grown up friends with a guy who later turned out to be a pedophile who committed some pretty famously horrible statutory rapes (remember

Impossible. There is no way to single out just one Italian or English car. I'll add something new to the fray, though. TDiscos and Range Rovers were the most purposeful looking SUVs ever (hard to call a Defender an SUV), and were indeed very capable, but I think they literally made "nom nom nom" sounds when you

An M3 'vert is negative points. A 3800 lb M3 you can't drive on the track is the ultimate failure to understand cars. The ONLY reason for that thing to exist is so that the nice lump under the hood can be ripped out and installed in something worthy.

That seems like a lot of work when there's so much tasty ice in the container anyhow.

Bobby, I got good news and bad news. The good news is our insurance is going to cover the $40K in bull spunk we just lost. The bad news is you need to take these buckets out and fill 'em up again, and given what a bang up job you did on those bulls yesterday, it's probably going to take you quite a bit longer the

And let's not forget that they're more highly educated and more affluent and that gay men work out a lot.

Gotta love these.

To think, I just threw away one of these!

CP. There is no such thing as a cheap Maserati.

Heart click for someone who gets it.

Working on the hot TV reporters now. ;)

Cut the guy some slack. YouTube automatically translates all comments into something the average American understands. I got my hands on the original version, condensed here for the sake of brevity:

Oh yeah. CALLED IT.

No matter how awesome it is, we will find an excuse to bitch about it.

Stripped, caged rally cars make nutso DDs. Never fear potholes again! Terrorize oncoming traffic with finger-of-god lighting! Confuse passers by!

Cool post, bro!