
I wonder how many (non-suicide) deaths per trillion bridge crossings there are in the united states.

Well, HDR can look however you want...it's just that most people are going for the WOOOOOAH HDR MAN! look.

I love their web site...

It was a terrible car in almost every way, but it definitely landed like a bomb on an auto buying public that had gotten too used to cookie cutter exteriors enclosing their boring people movers: NEW BEETLE.

I'm a dyed-in-the-wool VW nut, but I didn't like the Corrado. It never outperformed the GTI by enough of a margin to justify the lack of utility and increased maintenance costs, and it wasn't fast, nimble or RWD enough to back up its sexy good looks. Yeah, my main complain is that it looked too fast. :)

They should just cut to the chase and start pulling over and impounding cars being driven by dark skinned people. It's very hard to see them at night. Huge safety issue. Many times I've freaked out thinking a car was possessed, driving itself down the road on wheels large enough steamroll whole crowds of easily

It's also true that an engine designed to burn lower octane fuel might actually do slightly worse on the high octane stuff. The differences either way don't amount to too much, though.

It's true, ladies. I am devouring you with my mind. Dozens of times each day, I eat you, or someone else of your gender, with my brain. Even more often I just snack on particularly tender looking parts.

Dudes, this guy has a really fast Corvette, too. He obviously knows how to drive. This was some sort of mechanical failure.

It's dangerous not because of the difficulty of getting over a tsunami out at sea, but because if he hadn't made it out quickly enough to get past the tsunami, he'd have been stuck on a boat getting swept inland and crushed on anything that got in its way.

It's true, if you own several hundred thousand dollars in cars you are definitely a good driver.

Lawyers earn more per hour than carpenters, but I sure appreciate what the carpenter does more than what the lawyer does.

I hear their cars are so fast they were forced to make them slower to race.

Personally, I'm willing to put up with slightly clunky desktop applications. I can deal with inconsistencies there because I use a core set of 5-10 applications for many hours each day and figure out how to work around their quirks. Photoshop doesn't behave at all like AutoCAD or ArcGIS or Sketchup, but it's still a

Does it help the platform more than it helps it, though? Probably.

I didn't read the first article, but read the one yesterday. Even that seemed just tasteless as hell to me.