
@PrisonBreakShaker: Maybe it's no less of a red herring than teen drinking is. There's responsible use of drugs and there's irresponsible use of drugs.

@Nun Shall Pass: I don't doubt for a second that there's a woman for every woman hater. SOMEHOW these people are reproducing.

@Schvenn: Half the power, features and flexibility. Wow, I had no idea.

If you need a magnet you probably should just bring along a friend who knows cars.

Good on the TSA. Last time I made an 82 year old woman cry, I sure as hell didn't apologize. I LAUGHED.

@BlueJeans: What share of the typical university budget gets spent replacing facilities?

@tonyola: "I'm not a racist, I've got black friends!"

Those pennies are an easy way to get the raw materials for Zamack, which is a seriously great alloy for low-temp casting.

Man, between this and the 918 RSR this is going to be the Year of the Car Boner.

@James Glickenhaus: You know, if you've got any blemished pieces that aren't worthy of your P4/5, I'd be happy to take them off your hands so you don't need to call up whoever normally hauls unloved carbon fiber off to the incinerator.

Track worthy LS1 Miata or very nice used Corvette price. Complete crack pipe.

Debadged Camry. Beige.

@StalePhish: Is this is a brand spankin' new girlfriend with whom you're still in the stupid infatuation phase? If not, she sounds like a girl who, in 5-10 years, is going to realize she let herself be subsumed by your relationship and let all her own dreams go by the wayside. She'll become increasingly bitter and

@SpitfireKP: You're getting a biased sample.

@RenaultAlliance: Seriously, have you considered talking to a doctor about your depression?

@laureltreedaphne: Because bullying someone into rehab on national television to further your own career is different from actually helping them?

@carolina-god: Dudess, 80% of straight porn has anal in it these days.

I'm not concerned so much with my children being exposed to Olivia Munn's vagina as I am concerned with them being exposed to Olivia Munn.

@Triborough: . . . and your lies will be transparent to anyone with any science or statistical education. It just so happens that in this case they've done a pretty good job.

@TopGearForever: Don't confuse bad science reporting with bad science. :) Read the paper. The study is pretty good.