I knew someone who hated her ex-boyfriend’s family and how they treated her, so at his sister’s wedding she put herself right in the middle of the family photos so they couldn’t crop her out when she dumped the guy.
I knew someone who hated her ex-boyfriend’s family and how they treated her, so at his sister’s wedding she put herself right in the middle of the family photos so they couldn’t crop her out when she dumped the guy.
Go ahead, rub it in to us poor ‘mericans ;)
I’ll be charitable. Maybe about half a dozen jalops would actually buy one. The rest of us would totes buy a 3-year-old one.
This really is amazing. I remember when half this power from a 2.0 liter engine was a big deal. Wasn’t that long ago. That said, I’ve gotta be the negative guy here.
I don’t care how wrong the nomenclature is, I want one. Make it purple.
I mean, it’s a hollow insult at this point, but if you wanted to illustrate “delicate special snowflakes”, who feel “victimized and triggered” by the existence of people who are completely ignoring them, and desperately want to create a “safe space” for themselves, I don’t think you could come up with a better example…
Their attitude reminds me of this tweet:
Question for the commenting community: What’s with the association between bro-dozers and anatomical dimensions of their owners?
(Read through some more of the comments if you don’t know what I’m talking about.)
...the fuck did Guam ever do to you?
It seems to me like these truck owners are reacting emotionally to a social situation, which is the same thing that they criticize other people for. While Tesla owners currently own the gold standard of miles-per-smug, this feels like an emotional backlash to try and knock them down a peg.
Single and Dual Clutch automated manuals might be manual in the behind the scenes operation and a Dual Clutch might be faster than I ever could dream of being at shifting a gear. But there is nothing quite like manipulating a clutch pedal on a backroad, no amount of techno-wizardry will ever change that for me. I’m…
Drive a modern ZF 8HP like in the M5 and tell me there’s any discernable difference between the DCT and the “conventional” automatic. If you have fun driving a car with a clutched automatic (DSG, DCT, MCT, SMG), then you’ll have the same amount of fun driving the new M5 with a torque converted automatic. New torque…
Well at least someone gets it, but I do have one caveat to add. Torque converter automatics with lockup capability can get rid of that laggy response. The one modern one I know of that does this is BMW on the ZF 8-speed in the “sport” modes, but from reading through comments it seems that Porsche and AMG do this as…
Pressing the clutch pedal in with your left foot, while simultaneously moving a gear lever with your right/left hand is the only description of a manual transmission that I will accept.
Years ago I argued an engine’s power should be measured by power output (the area below the line to peak HP) rather than just peak HP. I sewing machine engine with a high peak and low mid will sometimes feel slower than something more grunt. See the S2000 compared to a Mustang. Not a perfect measurement either, but…
That's a wagon. That roof does hit the 50% mark before it breaks into the rear. I checked.
No, it can't as it lacks side windows that open to the cargo area. That breaks Rule 1. Relax, it's still a hatch. Size has nothing to do with it; this is a wagon, for example: [www.caroholic.com]
It's a wagon. The Rules don't lie!