
I love this short of shit ... but your article is leaving me with more unaswered questions than before I read it (where I had no questions because I didn’t know that I cared).

Commenters may be confusing Ae86 and Ae85 ... sure we remember seeing lots of these when we were kids ... but I think that what we were seeing were AE85s (which are identical looking).

All Jeeps Wranglers are like that ... you are constantly correcting. You get used to it after awhile and are only reminded of just how shitty it is when you get back into it after having driven another car.

All the Wranglers have been over priced for a while.

I had a 2012 Sahara Unlimitted ... Getting into a 2019 was far too expensive for me.  Even after factoring inflation, it was close to 4K more.  

I now drive a Canyon!  and really don’t miss the Wrangler.

Problem is that the people that are buying the Gladiator aren’t buying them for work!

A lot of people who purchase trucks also use them for work and are able to pass off part of the cost (if not all) on their business.

A Gladiator is simply not a work truck!  or, I should say, it’s not a truck that can be used for work!

Elon musk is a self-centred maniac ... he isn’t saving anything!

Not a big of the double negative —”not uncommon” ... just say “common” dammit!

Ref: Geroge Orwell Double Negative

After watching his interview I can’t help wonder if he is using the tribune to continue his self-promotion ... he doesn’t sound very sorry.

There is something terribly wrong with your first premise ... “driver was in the right lane” ... Funny, I’ve never seen a Toronto driver in the right lane ... ;-)

It’s a matter of common sense ... most of the time, ass-in is efficient and safer as others have already said.

Then there is the matter of others ... one may choose to dive in instead if there is a car following closely behind (which in itself is a lack of courtesy).

Even more, there is the practicality side... ass-in

It’s what N.Amercians who haven’t watched Top Gear call a trunk ;-) lol

I for one like this ... Split tailgate is far more useful for letting things hang down ... nowadays, closing a hatch with a bungee is difficult and leads to scratches on something.

I bet you drive a Prius!     ;-)

A friend of mine recently purchased a Tesla ... before the Tesla, he was a granny at the wheel ... now, he just can’t help himself because the thing is so exhilirating to floor or flog through corners.

Was chatting with a police officer/friend the other day ... he mentioned that approx 20% of drivers ont the wrong have something wrong ... either expired plates, license or insurance ... that’s a lot of people to account for that shouldn’t be on the road.

¢heap gas is an illusion ... On Sunday, diesel in Montreal was 1,25CAD/litre ... in upstate NY it was 3,30USD/galon ... that works out to about 1,15CAD/litre.

I skip the gas station when I travel to the US ... in fact unless I’m travelling for an extended period of time, I get my USD in Canada and limit my spending to just essentials.

Swiping my card and entering the digits of my post code followed by 00 just seems like something worthy of, what you would call a “Shithole

When travelling to the US, I perfer to carry cash (dispensed from a Canadian ATM) then use my credit or debit card ... it blows my mind that I can just enter the digits of my postal code and two 0s to make a purchase at a pump!

In the context of 50% of Americans still support Trump, supporters of this guy on Youtbe make a whole lot of sense (to an outsider like me).

Ditto! Runs a stop at Costco, damages the speedbump at Costco and then there is the cyclist!