
Looks like Vincent Adultman forgot his license...

No, no, it was a Nazi extermination camp. Adolph and his boys, Nazi’s all, thought up the whole thing and carried it out because THEY WERE NAZIS. The came to power on a “Make Germany Great Again” platform.

It was never meant to be icky.

Former registered Republican here. I bowed out of that party in 2012 when it was apparent that they hadn’t represented my interests in a good long time. I knew Donald Trump would be an embarrassment to the country and himself, but he’s just over the top with everything.

Mr. Trump, I have some news for you: you WON the

“imagined as being in a position of power”

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Unify us? Fuck that noise! Obama was perfectly willing to work with everyone but those racist Republicans didn’t want to because he dared to be a black man in a job that was traditional reserved for a white man.