Didn’t that also mean you run the risk of missing your flight if your trying to be the last one to put your luggage on?
Didn’t that also mean you run the risk of missing your flight if your trying to be the last one to put your luggage on?
Wish i had a yard. I’d make the kids play outside even if it rained. I'd let them adventure around the neighborhood, but people drive like it's the Indy 500.
I use climbing spec webbing for trees than rope, which can cut into the tree.
Funny that people don’t want government to step into or regulate business, but as soon as there’s a problem they want government to step in.
Yes, and no one forced them to take the job, they choose to serve and protect. Just like most professions the few dicks in the job are more memorable than the ones that have a greater impact in society.
Yep, floss > mouthwash > brush
I’m ok with you going to school in your pj's, not having breakfast, not having a jacket, having bed head, but you will be at school on time!
Your apps should be integrating with your life, not your life integrating with the app... That’s why i like Google, doesn’t matter if you have an iphone, mac, windows, or Linux,l. Google chat won’t care, it’ll work. Duo won’t care, it’ll work. Spaces won’t care, it’ll work.... Want to FaceTime? apple says FU if it’s…
Google has lens where it can extract the data from a screen or piece of paper. So if you have the address of something on paper it should be able to pull that and open your favorite maps. Should be able to bring you to the website if you have the full url.
Was wondering why I couldn't adjust my mini's this week. Thought it was just me.
I do something like this, but i keep a bit of the front door handles in view so i have a frame of reference.
Yes, because you watched a documentary, your now a certified surgeon general.
I was gonna say i only used it for tennis when i was in high school and it reminded me of tan lines
Hmm...i feel this trick was already used in a previous Android phone i had.
Definitely agree, it only means something if you follow through and the kids care about that toy
I tell them only pickup the toys you want to keep and I'll take care of the rest. Anything left gets thrown out or donated
This isn’t a new trick. I’ve done this for years. But it’s been hit and miss. Think popular routes (Hawaii/Vegas) or long flights will have less success than going to places like Sacramento/buffalo
Roth IRA, is classified as a retirement account. So you don’t get taxed as a perk by the IRS. Your also limited to invest up to $6k/yr for the average person
The reason why people don’t stay with a company for 40yrs is because companies are loyal to the investors first, employees second. The second there’s a down turn, companies cut employees as fast as they can to keep investors happy.
That’s a deal breaker for me. I have YT premium, Google one 2tb plan, stadia and play pass which is over $500 a year for the family. That's not including YT TV. stadia and play pass i could get rid of...YT TV easy for me to get rid of, but tough for the family