Damn, Jane sounds like a badass. I think I’m gonna buy this game now...
Damn, Jane sounds like a badass. I think I’m gonna buy this game now...
I found this, discussing nitrate levels. Apparently beet greens have more nitrate than beets, and arugula most of all. (Didn’t see celery on the list.) That’s per 100 grams, though, so even though cilantro made the list, I don’t think anybody’s eating 100 grams of cilantro.
I also saw my future wife but that’s a different article altogether
A NEEDLE AND THREAD. I’ve seen many of these lists and a needle and thread are missing almost every time.
Patrick, I'm literally laughing out loud. Your great grandmother was quite familiar with this Lifehack.
Great question.. Most financial experts will argue with me on this point, but I believe you should use surplus cash to prepay your student loans.
Why? Your student loan debt has a guaranteed cost (interest rate), while your 401(k) does not have a guaranteed return.
Lots of assumptions go into this equation... estimated…
Lose weight? I’d strongly suggest dietary changes versus a new workout regimen (I think both the “science” as well as the current dogma back me on this) if weight loss it your goal. (I love MyFitnessPal, but there are other means). The argument goes that starting a new workout regime increases hunger such that in most…
Thank you, that is awesome. I’ve been married for 25 years and feel as you stated. I find it rare to find someone who values marriage and the relationship that makes it work.
Yeah, I can definitely see that. The more you learn about something, the better you can gauge whether or not you’re actually passionate about it. On the flip side of your example, I used to want to be a teacher. I thought I was passionate about it, but when I learned all the work and effort that actually goes into it,…
I remember being disappointed (at age 6-7) that James Earl Jones wasn’t under Vader’s mask when it was removed...
In fairness they tried to arrest Bruce but he was nowhere to be found.
And much respect to Deadspin for not letting this one go and publishing what they have.
More is better? Science disagrees.
I don’t think that’s accurate. More like a month to learn, and lifetime to realize you were never doing it right to begin with.
This is the best “diet” advice. My mother is in the process of losing a little weight right now and she keeps cutting all of her portions in half. I tell her this will work for a while, but the hunger will catch up to her. It always does.
They should do a list weighted by how many sold vs. how many stolen.
I’ve seen thousands of people attempt a weight loss regimen, and there is one common trait shared by people who fail…
Don’t make me ban you
What: Inflatable pool coasters