
In a perfect world, your site would advertise something to me that I would be interested in, in an entertaining and informative way. I should WANT to see the ads because they would benefit me.

In reality, ads exploit the viewer. They are boring, annoying or misleading. Many intend to hijack your nature and worm their

Sadly, it is true. I don’t know if anyone is intentionally swallowing them, but there are plenty of videos of people putting them in their mouth and chewing.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the conformist masses.

I submit that paper towels are good for the planet. The US paper industry plants 6 trees for every tree they cut down, and when you throw away a paper towel, it goes into a landfill, so all the carbon in that paper towel is sequestered.

Paper towels are the new Prius.

So, a dude who thinks he’s a chick, who has been convicted of espionage and treason, and tried to commit suicide before someone in the government pulled strings and bailed him out is running for Senate?

Oh, he’ll fit RIGHT in!

I’m excited to see the movie. Looks pretty good, but the trailers are all jumpy... Just flashes of scenes. Makes me worried a little that they don’t have enough worthy of keeping on the screen long enough to actually look at. Maybe #kidsTheseDays like that kinda thing?

And do people still say swag? I thought that died

Even Darius Rucker can’t make country not suck ;)

#7... Do you consider the Pharaohs white?

Black people created blues, jazz, rock and rap. White people created country :/ So, yeah, we’re gonna steal the shit out of your stuff because... have you LISTENED to country?

England doesn’t stigmatize racists like we do in the US. They even have a freaking political party, the British National Party, that is racist... In that sort of neo-KKK way where they don’t want to KILL people of other races and religions, they just want them to go away and never come back.

And the fact that most of

You’re close to the mark, I think. If you look at nature, overabundance of food does not lead to fat animals. When food is plentiful, animals make more baby animals.

I know MANY people who sit on their butt all day playing video games and are skinny. From my personal experience, exercise does make some difference as

If you eat too many of ANY macronutrient, it gets stored as fat. For fat to burn, it requires carbohydrates. Restricting carbs is counterproductive. Keto works by making you think you’re starving to death and your body turns off your appetite to reduce your suffering. The same thing happens on long-term fasts. Fast

Without slavery in the US (the question didn’t specify slavery of black people in the New World), there wouldn’t be blues music.

Fried chicken as we know it today originated in West Africa and was brought to the US by slaves from that region.

And then the first answer you gave... Those would be my three. Blues,

Yeah, because the military has such a strong history of caring about the health and well-being of its people... And it’s not like its ranks are full of risk-averse people.

I didn’t take it as impolite, but everything I wrote is not wrong. We don’t have accurate data prior to about 150 years ago... or maybe it’s 160 now? I’m getting old. In any case, we had fairly accurate local data, but not global. Even now, we have some huge blindspots, for example, in the arctic and parts of Africa,

So, you’re taking the Trump route? Just responding to everything with “Wrong!” :D

As an aside, did it bother you that Luke was younger in that scene? Like, that was the first thing I noticed when he appeared. Just For Men has been around a LONG time, apparently!

I am pretty sure I didn’t say anything about CO2. “You guys” doesn’t include me. I’m not overstating anything.

My stance: Life sequesters CO2. CO2 is necessary for a stable environment. Life sequestered so much CO2 that the environment became unstable to the point of fluctuating between ice ages (which is the

Spreading knowledge, even to those who choose not to accept it, is never pointless.

Also, we’re probably not on the same team ;)

I don’t know that demo, but Bill Nye isn’t a scientist. He’s an engineer who simplifies science for children, so it’s very likely he removed some complexity.

FWIW, almost all science demos are ‘wrong’ to some degree. Especially with physics and climatology since there are so many variables, you have to idealize your

That’s not an accurate analogy. The earth is a ball of stuff suspended in an ice bath that is -454 degrees F with a single-point source of heat that moves continuously (This isn’t quite true because there is internal heat from the core).

This uneven heat causes hot and cold spots on a small and large scale. In one

Trump didn’t kick anyone out. They have 18 months to make other arrangements. They had ALMOST TWO DECADES to make other arrangements. Trump’s just forcing the issue. (For the record, I’m for greatly expanding immigration. If you’re not a criminal, you’re welcome here IMO... I’m just saying, they were coasting hope and

As long as they’re not stupid-ass fixies, just gotta lock up the bottom bracket so they can’t pedal anymore. The bike can coast safely to a stop.