
I’m sure the KKK feel like they’re doing the same thing. But the fact is you’re a racist. You judged millions of people you have never met. Just like the KKK. You’ve grouped people like Bernie Sanders in with David Duke. Or is Bernie “one of the good ones”?

So would that be a black person who moved from the US to the UK?

Congratulations. You’re a racist, just like these asshats in VA.

They don’t have a plan or vision. If they did, they’d have taken over already. Unity is always less appealing than us-vs-them. That’s why this article was written. It’s how Hitler took over. Divisiveness is sexy.

Humans are tribal. It’s in our very nature to try to exclude those who aren’t in ‘our group’. It’s

This is also a great weight loss strategy.... well, maybe except with less dip ;) Studies have shown that eating veggies shortly before a meal reduces the amount of the meal you eat. Since veggies are usually lower calorie than your main course, you end up eating fewer calories and not feeling deprived!

Our kids are

Pay your assistant what they deserve

I know that N=1 means nothing, but I can very consistently trigger (not intentionally, obviously) serious depressive states by eating like crap, sugar included. One week on fast food and sweets and I’m ready to jump off a bridge. Takes about 3 days to recover. It’s not a big deal now that I know why it happens,

Maybe it’s a generational thing? I don’t ever initiate a handshake. Like ever. If I want to touch you, I like you enough for a hug. And that’s like 2 of my coworkers and they both happen to be women. But at church, I’m closer to a lot more people and I’ll hug men and women alike.

It could also be my industry. In

As an Irish-American I find her casual racism disturbing. I’ll assume she’s just ignorant (not a stretch to believe for Ms Waters) and doesn’t know she’s using an ethnic slur in her tweet. But if it had been Trump using (innocently or not) an ethnic slur about HER people, she’d be all up on that so fast her wig

Needs more Terry Crews.

Power Fister will always be OPM in my book. Every time I release the right mouse button on the PTR I scream “WAAAN PAAAANCH!”

And people PAY for this shit?

That’s all I had to say.

Yeah, because cycling isn’t dangerous enough. This is the reason I’m not a pro cyclist.... well, that and I’m fat and I don’t like hills.

If they keep this up, there won’t be anyone left to ride. Seems like it gets worse year after year.

Wait, Mayweather is a boxer??? I thought he was a runner.

Old people totally don’t care about commitments. Because they don’t matter.... the commitments, not the old people.

How the hell do you not convict on that?

I’m not victim blaming here, but that’s EXACTLY why you NEVER volunteer information to the cops. The dumb ass badge wouldn’t have freaked out if he didn’t know the driver had a gun.

7 shots.. WTF? Seriously.

And this is why nothing will ever change. They chant “No justice, no peace!” and then go home to leave everyone in peace a few days later.

If you’re gonna resist, get on with it. Hashtags and posterboard don’t effect change. Neither does making noise in the street. You can’t change the world (or even a mind) on

Related to the tooth pain thing, there is evidence suggesting that green tea can be used as an effective mouthwash to prevent cavities.

We used to make stamps out of them. Cut a potato in half, then carve the flat face into the shape you want, then dip them in paint and have at it.

Gravel ‘lawns’ are a pain in the ass. Believe it or not, a whole lot of stuff still grows out here in the hot desert and gravel does an AMAZING job of catching seeds blown in by the wind. It also shades the ground underneath so it doesn’t dry out or get too hot so as soon as we get ANY rain, weeds pop up like mad...

So you’re racist because some white people are racist? Isn’t that, like hypocritical or some shit?

I don’t think Bill Maher is funny at all, and I’m not defending him. But when it all comes down to it, what he said doesn’t make him racist. Racism is an attitude and ideology. It is a way of seeing certain people