
Oh, so now we need to bind our bulges? We need to be ashamed of our appendages? I shan’t! In fact, I will be wearing a kilt in protest!

Free the willies!

Honestly, though, if you don’t want to see it, don’t look. When I see a picture of a dude, I don’t automatically check out their crotch to see what they’re packing.

I did, but I didn’t need to. I know the stats. Suicide doesn’t count. In the context of being afraid of being shot, why would suicide matter?

You’re more than 3 times as likely to be killed in a car accident than with a gun. In fact, the top 15 killers are lifestyle/diet diseases, accidents and suicides. Only

“Guns kill almost 100 people in America every single day.”

The FBI disagrees. Gun homicides average around 25 per day. In fact, total homicides are less than 35 per day.

Tear him down? In today’s society, this kind of behavior is not only normal for, but expected of 22 year old boys. And someone doing cocaine in 1983? Please. It’d be more of a story if he went to the party and DIDN’T do cocaine.

So... the fact that there was a game named Prey 11 years ago doesn’t matter?

Insurance circumvents market forces and drives prices up. The racket ensures that only the insured can afford care. The cost for a procedure like this is likely going to be less than $10,000, but the hospital will bill $250,000 because the patients don’t care what it costs and can ‘afford’ any price. Getting the

Small pancakes are impractical for the busy person. The most efficient use of your cooking vessel is to cover the entire surface with a single large pancake. If you split that into two pancakes, there will be an enormous amount of wasted surface area as you can’t really nest circles within circles.

Just from the

The “you can’t use that word! That’s our word!” attitude will never bring unity.

Society is always dividing off and reabsorbing subcultures. Some features of those subcultures are lost, others - like the word ‘cool’ - stick around and become part of the culture of a country. Why would you want to prevent that from

My understanding is they fined him for mispronouncing “data”. You can see he was frustrated with himself, too, that’s why he hit the table after he said it.... he was like “Damn! How can I make such a horrible faux pas on camera! I’m better than this! *SLAM*”

Born and raised in Phoenix, it’s utterly bizarre to me that people wouldn’t know to drink more water when it’s hotter. Tourists go hiking in the summer here and have to be air-lifted off the mountain. It’s just common sense to bring water when it’s 120 degrees in the shade...

Wow, that’s only like $4000 per body! Try hiring a hitman for that much. Can’t do it. I’ve tried! You’d think you’d get a bulk discount (to quote George Bernard Shaw “there are an extraordinary number of people whom I wish to kill”) but it is actually the opposite. The cost goes up per body due to increased need

This isn’t “new”... For a while, they had “lights out” button on the videos. Though that may have only changed the background on the video page, not the entire site. I don’t know why it’d be experimental. It’s just CSS, yeah?

Considering the power of the bomb (and ignoring the delivery charge), it’s a pretty good deal. If you’re interested in murdering mass quantities, it’s hard to beat a MOAB for dollars per death.

This is horrific. I can’t imagine the grief of the mother. This is why gun safety should be taught in schools, instead of “If you see a gun, call an adult”... It’s like teaching abstinence. Doesn’t work.

“Never point a firearm at something you’re not prepared to destroy”

I’m a white dude. When I was 12, my brother, our neighbor and I were walking home from school. A man drove by us and told us he was going to kill us, then swerved, made a U-turn and drove off. We just laughed it off. A few hours later, the three of us were playing outside my house when the same guy drove into my

Yeah, my kid routinely and knowingly saved over other peoples saves. This is why you can’t have nice things. Give it another 13 years. It’ll get slightly better when you can kick him out.

Even if a study is carried out correctly, it is possible that the conclusions it draws are incorrect. That’s why people duplicate the work of other teams. If the results are not repeatable, they’re not valid.

All initial studies should be taken with a grain of salt. This is doubly true with psychology studies since

I love the format of this article. Looks like most everything is pretty healthy, too!

So, could we possibly STOP having NSFW images on the home page. If you Jezebel peeps want porn on your page, fine, have at it. If I’m going to Gizmodo, I don’t want to see it. My COWORKERS don’t want to see it. This isn’t the first time this crap has happened. Stop it.