
Your body is constantly falling into disrepair and constantly being fixed. Smoking increases the damage while hindering the repair process. Since it’s only occasionally, if this is your only risk factor, then your body will recover a couple of days after you smoked. If you have a lot of other risk factors, your body

Looks like a huge coincidence... It just uses Nathan as the default name for everyone

This cost individual tax payers less than a penny each. Why waste our rage on something so trivial when we’re spending 29,000 times as much on foreign aid, for example. There are fish to fry. This is not one of them.

What Scientists Found Inside This Burmese Python’s Stomach Will Blow Your Mind

Yep. This is no different than the wholesale execution of people of a particular race. Why, they’re practically being dragged from their homes and shot in the head! Genocide is the only possible word that can be used to describe people being denied camping supplies while breaking the law.

This is our future. ‘Flying’ cars that can’t actually leave the roadway.

I’m completely underwhelmed. I would have expected a LOT more expansion in 30 years.... maybe some rampant deforestation?

The data is cool and valuable, but... destroying the earth is a bit of a stretch. Maybe it’s technically correct?

Imagine if he had put the same effort into something valuable... maybe getting a job or learning a skill!


Didn’t read the article, but I’m assuming it’s ‘because discount Sean Penn’

This year can suck it.

Makes sense... You’re the boss, so if you attack her, she is going to assume she did something you didn’t like and is going to be submissive so you stop attacking her.

And I know you’re not attacking her, but she doesn’t.

... was that like a low-key troll? Because if it was, you are a troll god.

If not, u wot? Climate change is a joke. Remember when they said that kids today wouldn’t know what snow was? Or how all polar bears would be extinct? Or how they said hurricanes would just get worse and worse after Katrina and then we

What???? The life-long Democrat is talking like a Democrat after being elected??? SHOCKING!

So this must be specific to a town or state.. It isn’t true where I live.

I suppose this would be the wrong area to say that you shouldn’t waste good cookies on nasty pie crust? If pie crust were edible in the first place, you wouldn’t have to spike it with something edible.

Did you know that pie crusts were originally sacrificial coverings over food? If you were travelling, you’d make a

Yeah... almost. At least close enough for Hollywood. We would see a shift of the water to one end of the pool as the ship began to spin down, but we wouldn’t see both the tidal wave AND the floating sphere at the same time... and there’s still no force that would cause the sphere to rise out of the pool OR a reason

As long as the spin is constant, you won’t notice it unless the ship is absolutely tiny. The Earth is spinning, but you don’t get vertigo from it because there is no change in acceleration.

Ion thrusters are really efficient, but ‘really efficient’ still means a ton of fuel is expended to get them to work. Dawn (a

Constant motion wouldn’t cause a gravity-like effect. Only constant acceleration would. And as soon as the acceleration stopped, the ship and the pool would be moving in the same direction at the same speed, which from the POV of the ship/pool, would mean they were motionless relative to each other.

And even that’s probably wrong... In retrospect, I’m not even sure the water would do much of anything. You may have some surface distortion, but it would want to stick to the edges and tend to pull towards the center leaving some dips between the center and the edge.

Now playing

.... No. The water would go from conforming to the shape of it’s container to being a sphere. That’s it. It would be a messy process and you’d very likely end up with multiple spheres of water because their momentum would overcome the surface tension of the main blob.

There wouldn’t be a tidal wave still in the