
Wow, that video's all about playing both sides. "Just because it says it PROBABLY will give you cancer doesn't mean that it WILL give you cancer, so don't worry about it. But it probably will give you cancer, so totally worry about it by reducing your exposure. While you should reduce your exposure, there isn't

So, kschang AND the government made up the facts? I suppose if you hooked up an Kill-a-watt to one of these TVs, you'd say it was rigged?

I'm also a Saltine-American and I couldn't care less if our race survives. However, tribalism is built into our nature as a species. Someone will always hate someone else. The Hutus and Tutsis are both black. Didn't stop them from trying to exterminate each other for 20 years. Doesn't matter what you look like,

I need that last graphic on a t-shirt, STAT!

Your body doesn't want to live on 1000 calories per day (unless you're really short). When you reduce your calorie intake below what your body is expecting, your body is going to try to conserve energy. You'll feel sluggish and fidget less. It sounds to me like you've got leptin resistance issues.

There are quite a few studies referenced in the video (and the following videos) but the gist of it is that people added calories to their diet in the form of nuts and, in most cases, didn't gain weight, and in some cases LOST weight.

Our method of calculating calories is

Now playing

Ayatollah Palpatine was a little bit of a zealot himself... And, look, I'm not saying that Alderaan wasn't asking for it (because it totally was) but it's hard to get on the side of people who blow up planets. And finally... they named their big ship 'Death Star'....

yeah, the narrative is that the evil US was leader in the slave trade, but it just wasn't so. We still did some pretty evil shit (the internal trading known as the Second Middle Passage, for example, where slaves were sold domestically, separating children from their parents and just generally breaking up families),

Even if the chart went back far enough and imported slaves were counted as immigrants, they wouldn't even register on the chart at this scale. 'Only' about 390,000 slaves were brought to the US over the course of 200-ish years. The vast majority of the 10+ million slaves that made it to the new world were dropped

I don't do suits. Suits are conformist attire (fight the power). Plus, I have short T. Rex arms anyway and the jackets always limit my reach... I have to drive like an old lady and twist at the hips to shake hands. Just not worth it. I have a few suits that I've bought for interviews and funerals over the years...

Last year, I bought 2 pairs of jeans ($20 per), a bag of boxers ($10?) and some socks, probably less than $15. I got some t-shirts as gifts and some as vendor swag. I think I bought a pair of shoes as well. Maybe $150 total?

Dermatobia hominis lays its eggs on mosquitoes, when the mosquito bites a human being, the eggs drop off and the larvae are able to penetrate the skin from the mosquito bite point. The larvae then burrows into the skin and feeds off of the victim until it becomes an adult. That is a bunch of maggots living in your

Not true. In Enterprise, T'Pol taught Hoshi meditation techniques to help her with overcome some fear of some sort. Of course, some may not consider Enterprise.... like ever ;)

"except that it can be reset to working order again in just 60 seconds."

You can actually see this happen with vocal chords... New blood vessels grow and wither with ridiculous speed based on usage. According to The Great Wiki, new blood vessels can grow several millimeters per day, which doesn't sound like much, but this is happening at multiple points on a pretty expansive network to

Personally, I think the whole push to move from C# to anything else is misguided. We've tried all sorts of arguments and they seem dead set on moving away from all Microsoft products... which is odd because we're a business partner with them... The big kick was SQL Server now charger per core rather than per

It's good data, but I'm not sure I'd consider someone who only knows CSS to be a programmer. They're really just a designer at that point. There is no logic involved in CSS, either in writing it or how it behaves in IE.

Also, the bias between C++ and the other languages may simple be because of the level of

Geez, where are you buying your bacon??? Bought some for $1.30/pound last night.

I can see where you're coming from, but I disagree with you.

"Stay away from Bob. That nigga is crazy!"

You're telling me that the meaning of that statement is ambiguous until you know what color the skin of the speaker is?