She didn’t lose her job!
She didn’t lose her job!
OMG I feel so badly for her. I’m getting hot just watching it (not in the sexy sex way)...I would totally have cried, too.
She is one pretty lady, and her response was adorable. :)
1. I love how a bunch of the people in the audience are pissed.
Drew Carey handled that SUPER well, and she was so embarrassed. Poor girl. I really hope she doesn’t get in trouble.
I did laugh, though, because sometimes I’m a little awful. :\
as a Price is Right enthusiast, I’ve often wondered what would happen if a thing like this happened.
Just give in to it. I have. :|
Even though I don’t own anything by Jessica Simpson, it feels like whenever I’m browsing Macys or one of those sites I see a bunch of things that I think are really cute, and then I look at the brand name, and it’s Jessica Simpson. It always catches me by surprise.
I hate when I see a cute pair of shoes at a store and then I realize they’re by Jessica Simpson. :-/
To be fair, has anyone named Crystal ever exceeded our expectations?
“Family-owned business falls victim to culture war.” Funny how that whole “personal responsibility” thing never applies to white Christians.
Is there a place where we can tell them to “Gofundyourself?”
AND THEY HAVE RAISE ALMOST 40K?!?! know Lyme disease is real, right? There’s this really cool place you can go called a medical clinic (it’s super fun! they have needles!) and they can test for *gasp* BACTERIA and prove the existence of a well known disease! Come to my town for a week. Watch the people limping down the sidewalk because…
Uhhh...felony murder can’t be supported by an intentional killing. Also, if that was what supported her is relevant that they didn’t find fingerprints on the gun. I’m starting to think you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I don’t think it’s true that all they “have to prove is she was there.” Traveling with criminals carrying illegal weapons isn’t itself a crime. And for it to be felony murder, a murder would have to have been committed in the commission of a dangerous felony, thus they would have to prove she was guilty of some felony…
Yeah I mean, none of the guns had her finger prints on them, one of the officers at the scene admitted to lying in his three reports and in front of the grand jury about her involvement, and an expert said the only way she could have gotten shot where she got shot and how the bullet traveled was if her arms were…
Back in Columbus, Oh around like 2000-ish, someone in the mayor’s office thought it would be a good idea to bring in the act Dead Prez for the mayor’s brunch/ball (or something otherwise honoring the office). I literally hollered when I read that on the program. They are as controversial as you can get.
Honestly, the university should be embarrassed to have not done their homework on Common before now. That’s some C- freshman bullshit, Kean. Pro-tip, never ever admit that you started your research the night before like this again.