
I still remember watching the news when I was in college (studying journalism, no less) in the mid-90s, and one night seeing two back-to-back stories about teenage boys who had been arrested for unrelated crimes. They blurred the white boy's face. They didn't blur the black boy's face. Apparently privacy for minors is

The difference in the way white bodies and black bodies are treated in the media is not limited to Ebola. It is common for dead and dying black people's bodies to be shown without regard to privacy or dignity or sensitivities of the viewing audience, but it is rare for white people to be shown in the same way. If

A lot of the supplies sent by western governments have gone missing due to diversion, or been held up by lack of transportation infrastructure and resources.

This scene is by no measure the only scene of healthcare in African countries, but it is often the only scene we see.

You are not entitled to anything from a stranger on the subway. Just think about how this sounds for a minute.

Maybe he did not abuse Katy Perry. Which does not invalidate Kesha's story at all. People's behaviours can be wildly different: perhaps he felt Kesha was an easier target than Perry, who looks tough as nails to me.

I saw a documentary about her tour. A label official (or tour manager?) told her that the entire staff of the touring personnel — from dancers to offstage staff — said they'd sign up to work with her again.

Not everyone comes forward with their abuse. I wish that was common sense.

So she deserved to be raped, drugged and beaten?? Are you a fucking monster?

Shut up.

Anyone who saw a Ke$ha video and made life decisions based on it were probably not on a path to that de-luxe apartment in the sky. She's an entertainer, playing a character as part of her medium. Stop being dumb.

So, because she sings songs about getting drunk and going out to clubs, she deserves to be drugged and sexually assaulted? That's just the chicken coming home to roost?

Why are crop tops a thing in bridal gowns?

If you want to know "what people read" on the subway, couldn't you just, you know, look at the cover?

You can ask whatever you like - but no matter what your intentions are, you are not entitled to someone else's time or a polite reply. Women get all kinds of guys pretending to be interested in what we're wearing/doing/reading when what they really want is sex, so don't be surprised if we treat you distrustfully.


I would laugh in a man's face if he seriously asked me if I had email.

It may be the least of the problems with this du rag, but...Nightwalker?!?

This caption is why I love the title of DB and Amal, because who is Clooney really? What has he done for society except be hot and give us silly movies like "Oceans 11"?