

gelling baby hairs never went away, fyi, so i'm going to assume that you are not black or latino. just because white people are "aware" of it now/ post-90's does not mean it went away and is now "a thing". it really never went away. you are Columbusing

and this is an example of GELLED baby hairs how? her hair isn't gelled. she didn't say blacks and latinos are the only ones who have baby hairs. everyone has baby hairs, but they are the only ones who GEL it into a style

ummmm everyone has baby hairs, but i bet you've never gelled your's. read the article again

yeah. and what if she didn't change her surname to his? i don't see how showing ID would have helped her out AT ALL if they wanted to prove that they were indeed a couple.

racism is very different here. in the south, people at least acknowledge their racist beliefs but claim "tradition" when called out on their BS. NYers don't realize how the things they say and believe are problematic, and when called out on their BS, they will label you a racist or scream "reverse racism" which makes

glad to know that you are ok with police abuse and the erosion of your freedoms

i think people are more vocal than before given the different mediums in which we can communicate now thanks to social media

holy shit. so never in my life have i pronounced edinburgh correctly lol

i don't even know where to begin with that one!!

glaws (or gloss)-ter-shur. i learned how to say gloucester from rugby. all the rugby heads shorten it to "glaws". i once had about 10 yorkshire men come at me for saying "york-shy-err" instead of "york-shur". i learned my leason that day lol

me too. i cried lol

was she surrounded by asians in the beginning?

iggy raps with a distinct black american accent that can be pinpointed to a specific region of the USA. so no, that is not what is happening with iggy. definitely not. no way in hell lol. you can argue that for a bunch of british singers, but never iggy

i don't think you understand what she wrote. no one is saying that non-blacks should never rap or that blacks own rap. the problem is that non-blacks start their careers by mimicking black people (more specifically american black people). that is just weird. why can't they rap without imitating blacks? that is why

i'm black and i don't believe it was about race. it was about white rights and how southern whites were using slavery & slaves to strip whites in the north of their rights and make them financially and legally subordinate to the south. they didn't give a shit about black people back then. nothing has changed, imo.


i hate both of my parents. haven't spoken to them in a decade. i hope they realize i'm not coming to the rescue. maybe i will help pay for assisted living expenses for a few years (because at the end of the day they will be old people who are suffering and are jobless) but i sure as hell will not be around to

i disagree with you 100%. how are you blaming the sexualization of black women on rap when the sexualization and "othering" of black women existed before the USA was even created? the problem would exist even if black female rappers and pop stars kept their clothes on and behaved like "good girls" who don't embarrass