
If The Social Network had been the winner of Best Picture, it would have won Best Picture.

Defending Mark Zuckerberg’s feelings is certainly a position you can take, I guess.

Shawshank and Pulp always dominate that argument, but I’d put Quiz Show up against either of those two any day. 

Yes. Of course you can bring up the many historical inaccuracies of the movie, but it deserved the Oscar (if for nothing else) for the great line where Zuck gets taken down by the woman saying: “Look you are probably going to be a very successful computer person. And you are going to go through life thinking girls

I like the would-be gatekeepers who get annoyed that the gates aren’t there.

So much hate in these comments, whew wee! I like Respectable Serious Music Appropriate for My Age most of the time, but sorry, this album is full of bangers. I will never not turn up and rock out to Teenage Dream or E.T. if I hear them out in the wild. These are mathematical formulas as much as they are songs, but

Because not all pop is disposable. People still love these songs 10 years on while I expect much of their contemporaries on the charts are largely forgotten. Not to mention piling up that many hits off of one record is a pretty amazing feat itself.

I actually like Katy Perry. She’s bubblegum pop, she does have any real staying power and nobody is gonna remember her in 20 years... and she knows all of that and leans into it. She is in on the joke. I always kinda like that type of thing.

Because it would be pretty foolish to present oneself as an expert on a particular medium without giving some thought to the most widely consumed works within the medium? Maybe.

“tHis iS mADe fOr grOwNuPS”

“’Ooh, ahhh’-that’s how it all starts but later there’s running and screaming “

Definitely. And it also shows how much thought and planning went into those CGI shots - because they had to - which is one of the reasons I think it holds up against modern stuff where it's sometimes a quick fix or a tool that can just be applied almost automatically. 

No. No. Let’s end this fiction right here.

But I can imagine Ford yelling at Newman “You switched the samples!”

I’m a 3D artist and to this day, the CGI dinosaurs, to me, are a technological masterpiece. The modeling and animation are impressive but what really sells it is the lighting, and the shading of the skin and ultimately, the compositing of the 3D renders onto the back plates. At that time, this had to be so

I can’t figure out if your comment is deliberately dumb or accidentally dumb. Spielberg has directed 32 feature films.

I really hate it in Spielberg movies where a main character is doing something (like leaning on a triceratops ) and we cut to another character smiling indulgently with beatific kindness , it just makes me cringe.  

You are very exotic looking. Was your father a GI?

I’m stunned that ice cream trucks apparently still exist. I haven’t seen one in years and thought they had just kind of died out.

I like it, but I don’t think the bass is really going to be heard coming out of the crappy, tinny speakers most ice cream trucks have.