
“Jesus Christ you are stupid. Is Taiwan still an independent state?
Yes The Chinese have taken nothing. Every time they try, we send a carrier group down in that area and they shit their pants. It’s a done deal. Stop fucking crying about it. Go find your fucking safespace.”

“ You are extraordinarily stupid.”

Shit like this doesn’t happen between rival nations. This isn’t a case where the drone landed on their land. They actively and in international waters stopped the drone and took it.

“You’re right, the rest of the world coming to respect America is bullshit”

“I’m all for calm heads but when was the last time a state took someone else’s navy equipment? Shit like this doesn’t happen between rival nations unless they’re trying to send a message.”

Yes and no. It’s not, “no harm no foul.” They’re harassing us, and the rest of the world, in the South China Sea. That’s a lot of harm and a lot of foul. It’s international waters, and yet they are militarizing man-made islands. They have seemingly convinced the Philippino President to accede to their claims.

“Still can’t believe we got a such a twat of a president elect...”

I’m all for calm heads but when was the last time a state took someone else’s navy equipment? Shit like this doesn’t happen between rival nations unless they’re trying to send a message.