Good news for the wavers.
Good news for the wavers.
At 1:08. Anyone else notice that big red 'FIRST BLOOD' button...
@pixelsnader: Just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean no one's after me...
@CallMeJordy265: Probably some other guest (or housekeeping) noticed the problem and placed the paper there to block the view...
@bombastinator: I am aware that Champagne is a protected term. What I was trying to say is that even if it was a more efficient way of making sparkling wines, I don't think the 'classics' would adopt it.
@Peter Klemenc: No risk. Everyone knows pirates prefer grog.
@sudosudont: That sounds right.
@richardleggett: A finished bottle of champagne should contain no yeast and as such will not ferment... I think it's more likely that the 230 year old bottle had been preserved due to low and constant temperatures. And an impressivly airtight cork.
No. F*ck off - I'm full... *burp*
@ElephantFace: The average american is twice as large as the average brit?
@Se7en_speed: If this game has existed for a decade, I'm pretty sure new versions have come out a few times before...
@danarchist: this
@Phantom_Photon: You say you want a revolution?
@gumbygaz: I believe it's called a plumbob.
25000 tweets in six days. About the same as an average teenager...
@Netscott: For american folks who can't add: 12.5 x 2 = 25
@Skydog: nah. they just accidentally a proofreading.
@mikescort: More like a DONG-le
@Blackright: Um... I think you're supposed to use you finger to play this game...
@Dickeydoo: Brightest comment on this subject yet...