
The “a movie about red-shirts” is an interesting idea, but the movie about red- shirts just wasn’t that interesting. It’s a bit of a contradiction, as once a character garners one’s sympathy and attention they inherently lose their “red-Shirt” status. Let’s face it, they’re “red-Shirts” because they’re anonymous

That’s not unexpected. That’s physics. It’s called the Magnus Effect.

Star Wars Episode 8

Isn’t that Rocket with a jetpack on the left and Star-Lord on the right in the first picture? I mean I’d love some multidimensional multiStar-Lord action but I don’t think that’s what we’re seeing there.

I saw a really great meme on Instagram but can’t find it now.

The only really bad thing about anti-vaxxers are the effect they can have on the innocents. Some kids just can’t get vaccines (allergies, age, etc.) or the vaccine just isn’t effective for them and will get sick. Other than that, a pox on all their houses (maybe a little polio).

That’s kind of impressive considering 1080p streaming is about 3gb per hour of video on Netflix.

If you storm the field and get near an opposing player and your first instinct isn’t to immediately help that player get out of the mass of bodies and into the locker room, then there’s a chance this will happen. Even if you simply want to exchange stuffing recipes, doesn’t matter. Get out of the opposing player’s

It is absolutely Facebook’s, and any other sites, responsibility, and in the interest of their bottomline, to ensure that people are not using their services to spread malware.


McQueen crashes

Wrap it and get some different wheels and it’ll stand out enough.

About as many burnouts as a Hellcat can do on its factory tires.

This is why they call you irrational? Makes sense, as there is precisely zero chance of running into one of these in a lake. :)