
How are you “so disappointed”? He literally stated that the sport which earns more money should pay its athletes more. What’s controversial about that?

So? Sucks for them. They ought to get better.

They’re not as good at the game. Same reason no one cares about the WNBA.


Yeah. You’re not looking at 22 year old hotties all day. You’re looking at someone who’s got a problem. I know a couple obgyns and they’re mega-catholic/pro life and into babies and so that’s why they specialized. Can’t imagine you’re into it for the subject matter.


The game’s bulletsponges are worse than ANYTHING Destiny ever offered. Leveled bosses on challenge mode are basically Valus Bulletsponge on crack.

Weapons feel unbelievably terrible, movement is jerky and sluggish, some abilities are beyond overpowered, others are almost entirely useless.

Destiny and the Division are


“I wish I felt as comfortable and confident in my skin as she seems to.”

Probably not fucking hard when her existence in life is based around working out, eating meticulously planned meals, and getting make up done for 2 hours every day.

I forgot that “talking about race” meant “shut the fuck up when I’m talking.”

“Open for discussion. (see how easy that is?)“

No it’s fucking not.

You are infringing on the content holder’s right to control distribution of their property. That is theft — you have taken a right away from them.

Yes, but he/she would have you think that they have all sorts of special skills. Seriously, four of the dumbest girls in my highschool class are preschool teachers at the most in-demand preschool in my hometown.

Not a job that requires a high-floor skillset.

Also a 3rd-year associate and the comments here are infuriating. I believe kesha and want justice for her. I also want the legal system to work properly and for people to understand that it worked properly with respect to the judge’s denial of the prelim injunc.

“She ruled in favor of a corporation over a human being”

Try to understand the law before writing next time.


If this were Donald Trump you wouldn’t say it’s mental health shit. Kanye West is just an asshole.

They didn’t read it.

“you’re doing the same thing you accuse others of doing, i.e. speaking for a giant group of people whose views you really don’t know”

This is a non-fucking story. Stop trying to make it happen.

“Both of these artists remain insufferable.”

Can’t choose West without invoking white privilege. Can’t choose Swift without invoking misogyny. Chooses both.