They didn’t read it.
They didn’t read it.
“you’re doing the same thing you accuse others of doing, i.e. speaking for a giant group of people whose views you really don’t know”
This is a non-fucking story. Stop trying to make it happen.
“Both of these artists remain insufferable.”
Can’t choose West without invoking white privilege. Can’t choose Swift without invoking misogyny. Chooses both.
It’s illegal and wrong. Is that really so hard to understand?
Doesn’t mean that if you’re poor you have a right to something you can’t afford. Check your brain.
This is the dumbest fucking argument in support of piracy. You are taking a license without compensation for it. It doesn’t fucking matter if you are depriving anyone of it. If they say “no,” pay for it, that’s it, end of statement.
Well, when your boss decides after reviewing your work product that he doesn’t like it as much, I hope he rescinds your paycheck.
thanks certified legal scholar
Please go back to HamNo articles. This isn’t “saber rattling,” this is, The State Has No Fucking Money To Pay For Shit.