
This time, GhostRider's dimensional portal was DEFINITELY in the mode of Dr. Strange. Orange sparky wheel, but also lined with facets of mirror zone (or maybe quantum realm?).

So, Aida made herself an INhuman body, yes? There's no telling what powers are built into her now.

I'm right with you. I wonder if you can remove the book jacket without going maniacally evil.

I would bet they were all sitting together, and so he knows how wasted she is. As a friend and colleague, he is doing her a solid, by keeping her upright and in one place. Nice work, Modine.

I was so let down that Phil didn't pull a switcheroo with the Darkhold, substituting Ulysses. That's what always happens when the McGuffin is in a bag or case. He even went off screen for a second with the satchel, and I just knew it would be another book in there when the baddies got away with it. Sure, that's

Are we sure Skrillex is not actually Shia Leboof from 2008?

They did a TV-scale version of the now standard "camera swirls through the big battle, showing off each vignette and highlighting each participant's badassery" shot, ala Avengers. Not sure it works, but there was a shotgun axe. Which I guess they couldn't really show him using all the way.


I like to praise Metroid Fusion for a couple of reasons. Sure, it has the directed questing which limits the feeling of discovery. But it did tweak the weapons and suit a bit. They were functionally very similar, but still felt like something new. More importantly, though, Fusion invented the frightening "evil

Again. Imagination. I'm not trying to convince anyone that the Bus is nuclear (or arc reactor, etc.) powered! I am not arguing with the facts, as presented in the show!

I've watched it twice, now. All we see is someone (Ward or Garrett) watching the dog with a scope, as he runs away. I'm not even sure we hear a shot. The parallel scene shows that Ward DOES NOT kill Fitz/Simmons. He jettisons them into the ocean in a lifeboat of sorts, from a low altitude and low velocity. They

All of this points up the fact that we don't really see the condition of the US after the events of the SHIELD/HYDRA coup attempt. SHIELD is non-functional and being rounded up by the US military. HYDRA has been exposed, but remains active in secret, sorta.

I missed that. Did they remove the GINORMOUS eagle on the back of the plane, too? I have not noticed if it's gone. Maybe he had 4 cans of spraypaint.

See the helicarriers in Winter Soldier

See my response above. We're arguing about imaginary stuff, anyway. In my imagination, the Providence re-fuel is for other expendables, such as food and coolant. I don't know, plasma?

ChoyM, I did say that I'm pretending, but okay, here goes…

I guess I'm not so much concerned with the financial end, as the security end of the issue. This is a distinctive SHIELD aircraft, and SHIELD is all defunct and wanted for questioning, etc. Their ability to land and refuel implies that Hydra has sympathetic airbases all over. I guess they do. Maybe we're not meant

Wasn't it funny, in the interview scene, how Agents Coulson and May would slip into and out of Fitz/Simmons accents? It was awkward and goofy and funny, to me.

Correct. Ward didn't kill the dog. And in the parallel scene, he didn't kill Fitz/Simmons. So, he dropped them into the sea, but in a life-boat of sorts. They are totally planting seeds of a redemptive (final?) act. And I'm okay with that, as long as Ward doesn't re-join the good guys team. Dead or otherwise

Anybody else catch the joke about Tony Stark? Fury told Cap that Stark had some suggestions for improving the helicarrier engines, after he got a good look at the old turbines. I'd say he got a good look at it.