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“Special Bulletin” came out around the same time as The Day After (1983) and chilled me to the core. It’s a TV movie about a group of terrorists that take the city of Charleston, SC hostage with a home made nuke. The climax is abrupt and about as real as they get in terms of how something like that might go down. A

“...One point being, we should be able to discuss this without instantly shaming/closing off the opposing viewpoint.”

Click money.

Justice is pretty much by deffinition not inclusive. It sets limits and boundaries, then punishments for being outside them.

I didn’t mind that - to me the problem was that they weren’t just using the sword the entire time. Why would you goof around wrestling these things when you have a sword?!

I’m sure his top priority will be fixing one of the most gerrymandered states in the country but I highly doubt hes going to do anything to Illinois.

So absolutely NO EVIDENCE that he called her that, other than her shitty attorney’s facebook post. I also notice that this “root” article is the ONLY ONE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET reporting on this so-called incident. My diagnosis: bullshit that will go away soon.

The Verge is less of that shit at least. Engadget is also a thing.

I’m curious about this too but fear there is no real alternative for the like minded.

Still an internet comments section.

I think your head is a little up your ass on this one. I didn’t attack the writer, I just posted a question. If only because to me and maybe anyone else that doesn’t think typewriters or word processors are high tech, text messaging in this instance isn’t much of a tech, pop culture or internet related angle. As you

Oh Yes, we all recall that renown republican president...Bill Clinton.

It has to be weird writing for Gizmodo now. To clarify, what’s the focus, how do you decide what to write about?

You really do a disservice to your argument when you throw around terms like “the great barrier reef is fucked.” Im not arguing the point or even disagreeing but it really seems an unprofessional way to write.

For fuck’s sake Novak... There’s no such thing as a fucking wage gap. Women DO NOT earn less than men for equal work, you dumbass. Women typically make less overall because they tend to choose careers that don’t pay as well. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and research a topic instead of spouting

Giz, how about a filter so that we can turn off politics on this site ? I love the site, but I just can’t stomach the constant Trump this and that talk. I’m so tired of Trump. I don’t want to see his face or even hear about him. I just want to relax and read something interesting that doesn’t involve politics. I

When is this site going to feature less partisan conversation around Donald Trump?

What’s the point of this story?

Here’s why: it’s all fantasy, fake, and not real.