Power Creek

I would respectfully argue that the “fact that Friedland didn’t seem to protest” actually doesn’t mean anything at all.

What an utterly bizarre world we have built for ourselves.

>> It sounds like Snap’s Los Angeles office has plenty of insufferable assholes.

Weird seeing Gizmodo review an actual gizmo. Isn’t there some kind of blindly one-sided ideological slant you could give to this?

>> Sony, Please Don’t Give Up on Gadgets

Bryan, I’m just curious - when you went to work for Gizmodo, did you think you were going write articles about cool techology? Or did you know it would be stupid click-bait outrage stuff like you’d find on Salon or Raw Story?

No it’s not.

Better headline:

You know, Bryan, some might say there is a certain irony in a Gizmodo writing lecturing others about civility.

Sure. But you’re not arguing with Pruitt. You’re arguing with Tom McKay’s characterization of what Pruitt said.

1. I despise Trump

>> If Fresh Coral Blast is your favorite flavor

>> If Fresh Coral Blast is your favorite flavor

Yes, but the morons here gave the “fuck you” thing three times as many “likes” as you got, so you’re obviously wrong.

Wow. I’m old enough to remember when Democrats thought implying someone was “unamerican” was a way-beyond-the-pale outrage.

WORLD TO END TOMORROW: Women, minorities hardest hit.

Good article, but missing a hugely important category: Best phone for kids.

If you’re interested in something that works almost as well for a lot less money, here is my setup:

>> Hypocritical bullshit by the right.

To me, the most amazing thing is that anyone would think DEADSPIN, of all outlets, would have anything interesting or original to say about all this.

Alternative lede: Startup founders are really, really clever at marketing; and know what kind of things appeal to gullible, rage-fueled Gizmodo and Fast Company bloggers.