Power Creek

Hm. I don't think there is any scientific validity to the idea that if you cut your hair, it won't grow back. The hair comes from hair follicles below the surface. And hair itself is dead skin cells. A hair that's been cut has no way to transmit a message to the follicle telling the follicle that the hair's been cut.

I totally agree. I tried shaving totally bald — too much work. A nice close scrub with a beard trimmer is the ideal way to go.

I knew someone was going to say this, or brush your teeth, or eat breakfast or whatever. Well, obviously for many people these are important to varying degrees. But take showering, for example: I do it in the evening, after gym.

For a guy, the single most powerful thing you can do to improve the morning?

Hm. Here's how I accomplished this:

NewLifeStyleMentor -

I bought an iPod nano for a short time, and used that as a wristwatch, but ended up returning it. It was so, so close to being a great watch. All they needed to do was a couple of things:

I've often wondered if this technology could be applied for use on rifles.

Adam - But this is *exactly* what I'm talking about! President Obama is not "less responsible" — he's the PRESIDENT. The buck stops on his desk! If he approves and signs, he is FULLY responsible. That's what articles like these always kind of artfully gloss over.

"Lithium isn't a drug, it's a naturally occurring element."

I just have one critique about articles like this, which I hope is not too inflammatory.

tag: #peoplewhoruinitforeverybody

Oh hey, I have a pretty good lifehack I can contribute here.