
Thanks early adopters for paying ridiculous prices for tech that will be hopelessly outdated in 2 yrs.

Is there any thrill now? It’s just there. I remember before “bulletin boards” with jpegs having to ride my bike through a mini-jungle to get to blockbuster to rent Basic instinct. Now it’s so easy. Which is nice and all. But there is something to be said for the gratification of completing the mission to see poon

So what is his father supposed to do....leave the money to random people commenting on the internet? That’s the way the world is. You do well, you leave your $$ to your family.

That’s the thing since I don’t game alot it would be complete overkill to get another platform. But I don’t blame Sony for locking it down and making it PS exclusive. That license costs them alot of $$$ and makes them alot of $$$. I mean I’m sitting here talking about purchasing their hardware for one game.

I don’t play a ton of games. The ones I do play tend to be AAA titles that go cross-platforms. There’s no PC exclusive game that I’d miss if I didn’t use PC, whereas Show and Forza or GT I always wish we had. Project cars is fun but is a bit sim-heavy. NFS....bleh, arcadey. Forza and GT have always been great

Yup Sony has the MLB license and yup it’s the only serious game out there. Relaxing and fun. Now there’s all these new great modes. I put serious hours on RTTS on the PS2, I’m sure this on ps4 is amazing. Between this and the next Gran Turismo whenever it comes out my Nvidia would be collecting alot of dust (calm down

oh, this will change things. great idea uk gov’t. great idea.

meh....here goes the hype machine again

I use pc for games and every year about this time seriously consider getting a ps4 for the Show (and a decent driving game). Haven’t played it since ps2 days. Such a great game. Love getting in a game or two at the end of the day.

Don’t care. Still tired of the hype from the other one.

I’d prefer my game to do serious damage to the end-pirate’s system.

Now playing

Plenty of games out there for free...you don’t need AAA titles for free or for people to feel bad because someone can’t “afford” the game. I guarantee if one wants the game they can manage their funds to buy it, but why bother, right?

Meh, seems sufficiently glitchy. Could I use my xone controller or would my pc combust? Seriously just need to get a ps4 for MLB: the show....every year this time I wanna play that so bad and its been years.

What’s with the rage at Bautista? Are the purists upset at the bat flip?

You are totally incorrect but hey it’s cool to take a dump on the US so continue on being outraged and incorrectly ripping on everyone and everything. Learn who Khomeini was. Quit indirectly defending Islam and countries that parade Islam as a means to an end when it really is just a disguise to get away with doing

People love to take a dump on the US by putting full blame where it doesn’t belong. The majority of blame lies in an evil ultra-conservative Iranian gov’t that continues to this day...yeah, Ayatollah Khomeini was our fault. Sure. They can go move to Iran and enjoy themselves.

Your reply reads like a list of lame excuses. Excuses are monuments to nothingness. “Oh it’s okay I don’t have a THX quality 10k a/v system in my house I can take this movie.” Your medical supply analogy is horrible. LOL @ the little lesson on W10.

Well, I mean, you are wrong. You’re the one who thought theft of copyrighted works less than 1k was a criminal matter. You responded to me, which means you had an issue with the concept of piracy being stealing and not sharing.