
No I continue to demonstrate that I’m answering your incorrect assumptions correctly and you just don’t like the answer. Go to law school, then we’ll talk.

Now playing

Dear person brainwashed by gawker media, no we don’t.

Now playing

Women, gays, blacks and Latinos in the GOP are sellouts.No, they just aren’t brainwashed.

Now playing

as brain damaged as believing articles written by the brainwash machine that is gawker media....I mean you probably believe white privilege is a thing

Hollywood getting to you again? sci-fi binge?

You’re not using any of your big words correctly. You are angry again and aren’t owning that you are wrong. This seems to be a pattern.

“The value for me is not high enough at this point to justify the price asked”.....then you don’t buy it or steal it via torrent. Great we agree.

A man in a chair. Thanks?

All of these people, Quinn, Sarkeesian, etc and their harassment came from social media and people on the internet who disagreed with her on divisive issues. Don’t blame companies. It is not their responsibility at all to shoulder the burden of employees with social agendas. Nintendo doesn’t want anything to do with

All of these people, Quinn, Sarkeesian, etc and their harassment came from social media and people on the internet who disagreed with her on divisive issues. Don’t blame companies. It is not their responsibility at all to shoulder the burden of employees with social agendas. Nintendo doesn’t want anything to do with

All of this is stupid and useless on both sides. It is epidemic of a culture of people who love to rip on everyone and everything and who exist to be offended. They eroticize bad moods.

“The only fact you state is that you have no idea what you are talking about.”

You explain nothing, your reply reads like a list of excuses, especially the priceless end where you tell me what the job of the company is aka define entitlement. If you feel insulted by the co. or don’t think it’s worth the $$ then you don’t buy their product. That’s it.

you playing lawyer: “Please learn the difference between criminal and civil code.”

Hillary is a lying racist with a huge list of crimes following her around. You don’t want your daughter being this...because unless her last name is Clinton she’d be in the clink:

Now playing

It’s stealing. And when you get to >1k it’s criminal. Your pirated music probably covers that. Freaking excuses are pathetic.

The people who are trying to make it as if a digital copy and phys object are so entirely different are excuse makers, bullshit-artists.

Face it, it’s a 59.99 off coupon. Free movies, whatever you’re in to. No list of excuses changes that. You don’t like the way a company makes their money then don’t purchase their product. Go see a movie in a theater then try to get your money back because you thought it sucked.

these people defending theft are just writing lists of excuses...and the best part is there are free games for those who can’t afford to pay for their stuff, but still how dare the company have a Christmas party, make $$$, etc. Don’t like DLC? Don’t play the game. Same for music, tv, movies. If I see a movie that

The Owl thing isn’t some kind of bug that I can rely on all the time is it? Also thanks for that spoiler. Kidding. The progression you describe sounds cool too. Yeah I saw the map complaints but thought it would look totally different and FC4 was huge, not a big deal. I’m still not close to finishing that I just need