What kind of social work do you do? What is it like and do you like it? How is your salary? If this is too personal just ignore.
What kind of social work do you do? What is it like and do you like it? How is your salary? If this is too personal just ignore.
Exactly what I do.
Cool. This turned me off http://kotaku.com/fallout-4-has-…
seriously ncaa football on ps and goldeneye on n64 on my 480p tv...great times. I woulda loved the machines there are now as a kid. Consoles look great. But yeah, now we have a bunch of malcontents arguing with each other other minutiae who have no perspective on things. That was the biggest jump for gaming...going…
i would definitely lower resolution or settings (on pc) if i were dipping under 30 as that is where you can perceive slowdown. you start seeing the slideshow effect (the pause in between the first and second pictures). Movies are in the 20’s but that is different.
true, I guess my comment applies more to people complaining about graphics that it does yours. I don’t know what they’re complaining about it looks great.
The Genesis account of the Bible explains the world around me better than any scientific speculations put forth so far. Better than ring species, better than observed speciation of wasps, better than Lenski’s e-coli experiments. Some of these experiments literally back up what is said in the Bible. The discovery of…
Difference between Christians and Muslims is that Christians are willing to die for their beliefs while Muslims are willing to kill for theirs. Now. In 2015. Islam is the only vile modern barbaric religion that I know of.
Difference between Christians and Muslims is that Christians are willing to die for their beliefs while Muslims are willing to kill for theirs. Now. In 2015. Islam is the only vile modern barbaric religion that I know of.
yeah we have this they have about 10 exclusives I’d like to play enough that I’m seriously considering getting a console. Us pc gamers don’t have to win every battle. We’ve got graphics. Oh and I use an xone controller exclusively. Heretic!
NP...yeah, because your game is still gorgeous it’s just that nvidia doesn’t have you by the bollocks with the need to get a TitanXX2000 the minute it comes out. I’ll keep resolution at native 1080p and keep graphical fidelity settings up anyday if I have to choose between those and some fps. People tend to fixate on…
Bravo. Or adopt it, abandon it, and come back to it. Different life experiences cause different things. Most of the stuff my parents told me to do I never listened to anyway, I don’t get why that’s such a big argument. Kids don’t do this. As if I mindlessly just go into my 20’s-30’s like a robot saying “dad told me to…
You are among like-minded people whether religious or not.
As a pc gamer I have a very mainstream 8 month old nvidia pc that I did not build myself. Zero problems running anything, dl’ingn drivers through Experience, etc. I would defend nvidia/the process to the end. Piece of cake. Then the last 3 drivers have been trash for my gpu (well-known issue on forum) and I am…
i really wanna get going on blackops SP. Not an mp person but it seems good and they just coughed up a pc patch for it.
i’m waiting for patches and stuff....maybe they’ll make inventory mgmt better with an update like Witcher did. Haven’t bought it yet. I don’t get pre-ordering stuff. Even these big titles. Let the public test it and get the bugs out for a few weeks.
Does anyone else who has not played this yet avoid these articles at all costs? Further, articles such as “tips for playing fallout”, “First 10 things to do in Fallout” are sorta dumb. They do this for every big release. Metal Gear, GTA, Far Cry. Maybe I’m older but part of the fun of these games is discovering stuff.…
I will happily download a complete game that is twice the size. Or just gimme the option. From the manufacturer. My pc prob wouldn’t enjoy it anyway. What kind of fps hit do these texture packs bring?
It’s funny how before this game came out it was the coming of the best thing ever and the hype was unbearable and Bethseda could do no wrong. Now it’s out and people are upset. I don’t know. I’ve never played any of ‘em. I want to play this because a post-apolyptic Boston sounds good. No way I’m touching it for at…