
first of all, you’re playing the game like an idiot if you’re at 144. Second, you are what is wrong with pc gamers. -pc gamer

can you tell 40 from 50 from 60 without some counter on to tell you where you’re at? 30 is whats necessary to get a coherent picture without noticing the change of frames,anything faster is not really required. It looks smoother sure... but there isn’t a whole lot you can tell as how many frames are being viewed as

as long as you never fall below 30 your good. Fact is 30 is whats necessary to get a coherent picture without noticing the change of frames,anything faster is not really required. It looks smoother sure... but there isn’t a whole lot you can tell as how many frames are being viewed as the “GHOSTING EFFECT” ( eyes

got him...and i use pc.

games are huge as it is, I don’t need mods, barely have time to finish a few huge open-world games a year. And texture and graphical mods are bs. Why can’t the devs implement these? I’m not getting the game then searching for mods built by Jim in Uttica to make it shinier. And I use pc. But don’t use mods.

Remember they started working on this thing in 2009....so they are working off a creation engine that is pretty old. They can’t just decide in 2013 okay lets implement a newer engine.

So are you telling me that for most game releases there are graphical/texture mods to make the game look better on the pc than what the devs did? Why can’t they implement this while making the game? This is a pain in the rear. Get game. Search for proper mods to make it look better?

i’m not into mods either which pc people blast me on....guess what? i have time to play a few huge AAA titles a year. These games are gigantic. I don’t need mods to make them more gigantic. I still have stuff in far cry 4 left to do. lol. Not hating, just not into ‘em.

Just like if I turned off the fps counter on most pc gamers rigs they wouldn’t be able to tell me the diff between 40, 50, or 60. - pc gamer.

Static screenshots yeah they all do look pretty much the same when you’re not factoring in aliasing and lighting/shadow quality. It’s when it’s in motion that you really see the difference.

i just wrote a huge post about this above. When I was younger I never argued with my friends whether their n64 was better or my ps was better. We enjoyed the variety. Of course this was when there was old-school (ie free) multiplayer and we’d play madden side by side and didn’t have to be on two of the same consoles.

Pretty much. You’ve got pc gamers hating on pc gamers who use laptops. Hating on diff gpu’s. My favorite is when they get their tits in a twist when I mention that I exclusively use an xone controller (with great compatibility). I use kb/mouse for work all day. I don’t want it for my games. And it dumbs down most

I think with dx12 my pc will be relevant for games for the lifecycle of the thing. I’ll have it about 4 yrs. I don’t waste money on upgrading and selling a perfectly good gpu for pennies on the dollar on ebay just because the new Titan XX1000 comes out. If gta 7 comes out and i can run it on medium instead of ultra oh

No we disagree. I’d rather run my native res 1080p at 30-40 than have to turn down res to get 60fps. Whatever, diff strokes for diff folks. I do think for 4k you need at least a 55” screen to make that worthwhile (lol at the 104” 8k thing ;) That being said, I grew up with ps2’s on 480p. Consoles now look great to me.

Guilty gear is a classic.

All I’m saying is if it’s been in development that long it’s not like the can just go and start coding on a new engine midway through the cycle. Honestly I’m trying to decide whether to play this or mgs V. I’ve never played fallout my knowledge goes back to a 5 Fallout in 5 minutes YT video. A post-apocalyptic Boston

That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever read. You deserve negative 10 internet points. The game has been in development since 2009. That might have something to do with this. You’re not gonna see games based off dx12 architecture for a good while.

if she was white you’d be going nuts but since black let’s be all nice and pc about it

i’m on pc and don’t care. the 60 fps thing is a bunch of bs meant to sell more expensive gpu’s. which is fine with me. The suckers who buy those support nvidia for me.