
this is crap that runs like crap. this is the console version of a a chinese xone controller knockoff. looks remotely similar. performs in every way like crap compared to original.

we are car enthusiasts. i’d like to add to the crows.

the os name is Windows 10

on the wake me up command. how is cortana going to do this? she is not connected to my android and my laptop will be off while i take my 30 minute nap?

This is, essentially, a late-1960s, New Orleans-based GTA.”

apparently black people and latinos have been banned from tinder?

the women who are on tinder are exactly the same. they are looking for the exact same gratification the men are and have every right to do so. and the rich white kids line from the 1920’s line. yeah latinos or blacks don’t do this at all. this is the dumbest click bait i’ve seen in a while. give it a rest far left.

the women who are on tinder, same thing. they are looking for the exact same gratification the men are and have every right to do so. and the rich white kids line from the 1920’s line. yeah latinos or blacks don’t do this at all. this is the dumbest click bait i’ve seen in a while. give it a rest far left.

i use metacritic, reviews from different gaming sites, reviews off amazon, steam. Reviews play a large part in whether I’m gonna buy a game. I just put faith in the fact that through my own aggregation of reviews the game will be good. I’d like to think or hope that places like gamespot, ign, etc aren’t getting paid

i use metacritic, reviews from different gaming sites, reviews off amazon, steam. Reviews play a large part in whether I’m gonna buy a game. I just put faith in the fact that through my own aggregation of reviews the game will be good. I’d like to think or hope that places like gamespot, ign, etc aren’t getting paid

no offense, this is just personal taste, but i paid for pricey game hardware to pay AAA games that push my system. I have yet to play an indie game that interested me.

Ugh, why can’t people actually do their research and figure out how great a guy Rand Paul is.

I remember when it was the daily show with Craig kilborn...who was btw hilarious (his talk show was great, too). Then Stewart came along and made it where they were gonna call out the big names in politics, show-business, whatever, and he was brilliant at that. But somewhere along the way he got this infatuation with

Yes discussing politics is a dead end. I’m actually more passionate about the sports ;) - they’re more honest. I have to mentally prepare myself for the barrage of big 10/badger related comments from the relatives up North (which I’m choosing to ignore this year, or at least I say that now).

I think obama has been very divisive. The fact that we have a black pres is great, but once in office skin color does not matter. Many cons like myself were happy when he was elected and pulled for him. There’s just many policy things that upset me that we’ll just end up disagreeing about. Losing my health ins at work

apparently Trump called Krauthammer “a jerk”... i mean don’t liberals even think that man is brilliant?

you act like big money doesn’t drive who the democratic nominee will be (ahem).

“lol!! o’reilly i don’t mind but he’s a scum human.”

later dude...although I doubt i’ll remember your screename or to get back to you in november 2016. and college football is coming up so screw politics.

Guess what. my experience with extreme lefties is shared with many moderates and independents. Extreme anything is bad. Your relatives hanging off every word fox says is bad. I never mentioned limbaugh or beck, and yes fox news knows what the gop stands for. Why wouldn’t they? I said your relatives do not because